Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They draw creatures towards them and if they shine on you , you ca n't see or think which way to go .
2 That is the date by which Aerospatiale , maker of the Socata range , the Squirrel and large chunks of the Airbus , to name but a small part of its work , must confirm or drop its bid to buy Piper .
3 If I 'm making a film of myself and I 'm on probation , at the end of the year I can pass or fail or have my probation extended because I 'm not successful enough to be called a qualified teacher , then I 'm opening myself up for people to come and look at my mistakes .
4 He said opponents hoped the council would either reverse or defer their decision to close Hustledown House .
5 If payment is received in response to the LBA , the haulier should acknowledge receipt and seriously consider whether he wishes to do further business with this reluctant payer , If no response is forthcoming from the debtor , the haulier should sue or instruct his solicitor to sue , as threatened .
6 He did n't even stop or turn his head to look at me. i do n't think he heard me .
7 You do n't need to upgrade or replace your kit to run DOS apps — all you need to get started is a bare 640Kb of RAM and an anorexic 8086 machine .
8 It is also possible that Grb2 or Sos proteins are modified by other signals emitted from activated receptors to compromise or increase their ability to couple .
9 Officers are expected to go out and talk to the people who do the work rather than confine their questioning to top people in headquarters .
10 Rather than see his unit rotted away by the disillusionment of constant betrayal , he had approached MI6 with an offer they did n't want to refuse .
11 He and his friends would have me scoffed and hounded out of the county rather than see my house completed .
12 The title of Martyr , he declared , was ‘ an utter misnomer and should be reserved for those Christians who rather than renounce their faith had suffered death at the hands of Pagan persecutors ’ .
13 She might even , he suggested , as they went to the stairs , benefit from a quiet winter with her sister to help and think what joy lay ahead with Oreste brought to her at last .
14 ‘ If adopted widely , this will greatly simplify and enhance our ability to communicate electronically across the Group , ’ said Courtaulds IT executive .
15 You had to go off and make his nosh did n't you ?
16 Peter says : ‘ I would like them to think if it was their brother , if it was them that had to sit there and watch their brother die in their arms , see how they would feel .
17 WE ARE members of Darlington 's Leukaemia Unit Fund committee who can no longer stand by and watch our dream dissolve .
18 Once he confessed that he used to sneak in and watch his mother dressing .
19 Hence criteria to regulate and deploy their use become increasingly urgent .
20 However , so erm she asked me if I 'd go up and give her hand to sort things out , so I was up on the Friday morning and I said well you better phone the corporation and tell them that you 're moving out on Saturday morning .
21 To begin with Robin used Amazon Swords , Water Wisteria , Java Fern and Pygmy Chain Swords , as these are quite hardy plants which should thrive and give him confidence to try some other kinds later on .
22 This is probably the most difficult material to handle because the many characters and nationalities involved in the various available libretti must express themselves as distinctively as they do in real life and the choreographer must try and ensure his design has some semblance of reality if it is to communicate meaning .
23 According to Marx 's theory the many different units were willing to unite and contribute their labour to work for the despot because this appeared , not as working for him , but as working for ‘ the higher unity ’ , which , they wrongly believed , was the source of their continued existence .
24 If you need to obtain shareholder or to other approval prior to completion , you should inform us of the specific clearances that you need to obtain and confirm your ability to exchange contracts by Friday 1st December , 19XX .
25 No I do n't , but nevertheless nobody knew only people like us and the neighbours , how that kid was every day when her mother to the T S B and her mother according to Julia had her because it was the done thing her mother , her own mother would n't have her , Kerry to look after her and I know that for a fact because one time when Ross was ill , Julia said I ca n't have her and she said oh god I suppose I 've got to go and beg my mother to have her now she did , but the woman said to Julia , I mean she would n't give up her job , they had a four bedroomed house , two bloody great cars , eleven cats
26 It may be hard to stand by and see your grandchild subjected to what you believe to be wrong methods of mixed feeding , potty training or general discipline , but you have already had your chance to bring up children .
27 So was it reasonable for the driver to step in and use his car to defend himself against a gang armed with lumps of concrete ?
28 A law to encourage the industry to take back and reuse its rubble has languished for three years in the environment ministry .
29 she 's hoping to go and have her knee done
30 ‘ She thinks she can just waltz in and have her photograph taken now . ’
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