Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If a person wishes to give up his physical integrity in certain circumstances , or to risk it for the sake of sport or excitement , should the criminal law allow the consent to negative what would otherwise be a crime ?
2 The right thing is for the two counties to get together and to make a joint decision and , if necessary , to have a public inquiry or to leave it to the Minister to call the scheme in if he is not satisfied .
3 As long as people find the Christian story good there is reason to believe in it , or to believe it with the exception of some of the more minor matters such as virgin birth or the creation stories which they have had to decide are untrue ( or only symbolically true ) .
4 Plant in late spring , and clip in mid-spring if required to be grown formally as edging , or to keep it within the space available .
5 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
6 For example , a disabled plaintiff may require a motor car equipped with special devices to enable him to get in and out of it or to control it on the road .
7 ‘ If you are still not satisfied after that you can threaten to issue a court summons or to take it to the ombudsman . ’
8 Some may choose to neglect their health or to trade it for the freedom to do other things , as does the business executive who opts for a stressful way of life in pursuit of material success .
9 The nice complication then arises that to entertain the Copernican system seriously as a potentially true physical description , and subsequently to reject it , could be a more radical position than to accept it in the former sense .
10 It 's faster to read data from the cache than to load it from the hard disk .
11 One such article , written by the General Secretary , was ordered to be printed and the editor had no option other than to deliver it to the printers .
12 To take a trivial example , it is a cost rather than a benefit for me to pay my children to clean my car rather than to take it to the automatic car wash , even if the car wash charges more than my children .
13 The subjective conviction of heightened awareness is so treacherous that to exempt it from the critical tests of reason is to put oneself at the mercy of chance .
14 The technology necessary to produce films , and television and radio programs , is so much more advanced in the industrialised countries than in the LDCs , that it is frequently much simpler and cheaper to import material than to produce it in the Third World .
15 This enabled us to calculate the ratio of cortex to ganglion cells for the region enclosed within the labelled sites and to compare it with the same ratio obtained for the rest of the retina .
16 She wanted to find the solution to the mystery on her own and to flourish it beneath the noses of those who had doubted her ability — or her right — to do so .
17 His aims are thus established from the outset both to record the evidence he has gathered and to evaluate it for the purposes of determining the truth .
18 They will wish to examine it in ways contemporary users do not need to and to analyze it in the context of other datasets .
19 Since the earliest days of their conversion to Christianity , Greek Christians had been involved in a creative effort to baptise their glorious past and to wed it to the originally semitic Christian experience .
20 Two men climb the rock to check that all has been eaten and to clean it for the next burial .
21 I welcome this opportunity to congratulate the Government on the Gracious Speech and on their proposal to abolish the community charge and to replace it with the council tax .
22 The aim here is to look at its political and social repercussions and to set it in the wider context of central-local administrative relations .
23 This is the time to know how fear works and to tackle it in the right way .
24 Watch out for copyright laws ; no studio will copy a track from a record without written permission from the Record Co , and to play it on the day you may need a licence from the Performing Rights Society .
25 Very significant was the movement by ecologists towards trophic-dynamic ecology which was developed by Lindeman in a classic paper published in 1942 which built upon earlier conceptual frameworks and treated natural ecosystems on the basis of the capacity of their primary producers ( photosynthetic plants ) to capture part of the incident solar and atmospheric energy , and to incorporate it into the dry organic matter that would subsequently yield it to the grazing and decay food webs .
26 The Bolsheviks were merciless in their attack on the government for frustrating the movement for self-determination , which they interpreted as the right to secede , to create a new State , and to do it through the direct action of the peoples concerned without awaiting the approval of the central Government .
27 On present thinking , it would be more logical to treat it as revision and to do it at the later stage .
28 It is convenient to limit considered choice to humans , assuming a definition of ‘ consider ’ which requires the operation of verbal or other symbols , and to use it as the criterion for distinguishing the deliberate from the spontaneous .
29 So we 're definitely agreed that we ask the Town Clerk to make those two contacts and to put it on the agenda for the Planning Committee ?
30 He has begun to remove teacher training from the colleges which have served us so ill in the past and to put it in the hands of the best schools .
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