Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The minister told a questioner later : ‘ To somehow suggest that this incident of 1,000MBq released into the atmosphere is somehow responsible for massive contamination of the food chain … it clearly is nonsense to suggest that or to compare it in any way with Chernobyl . ’
2 I must ask you to stop this quarrelling instantly , or to continue it in another place . "
3 It was no longer possible for casual thieves to take an animal for their own use , or to sell it for agricultural purposes in a village five or ten kilometres distant .
4 Double-vault composting toilet : If people wish to reuse excreta in their gardens or to sell it to local farmers composting toilets can be built as long as users agree to follow strict rules of maintenance .
5 In seeking to be innovative and adventurous , church musicians will need to be careful not to abandon the traditional repertoire or to relegate it to second place .
6 I think my relationship is a fairly normal one , but I do find myself bending over backwards not to erm use any of the sort of additional knowledge I have of education , and if there are things going on that perhaps I think that there might be better ways of doing it , then I bend over backwards not to give that kind of impression or to suggest it at all , because it seems to me that it 's going to make the relationship with the school or with the teachers erm a rather awkward one , and I do n't think it will good for my children .
7 When a record turns out to be a synonym , there are two alternatives : these are to store the synonym at once , in which case the process is called a one-pass load , or to load it in two passes , which is called a two-pass load .
8 ‘ I have no doubt , ’ comments Stewart , ‘ that one or two of those medical symptoms are genuine ; but the main problem for these youngsters collapsing and feeling very ill is just plain exhaustion , or to put it in simple mountaineering jargon — physically knackered . ’
9 Or to put it in another way , for Gandhi the stone partakes of the nature of that which it represents .
10 Or to put it in another way Truth is God .
11 Hardy suggests two types of strategy which may be used to turn conflict into competition or argument , or to manage it in some other acceptable way .
12 If we do something pleasant to a horse , like worming it , or giving injection , or something else , we are likely to care and stroke it afterwards , or to reward it in some other way , such as with food .
13 Three years after its publication , less than half of Solihull 's secondary school teachers claim to have seen the booklet , and a much smaller proportion claim to have read it all , or to recall it at all well .
14 He wanted to grasp the newness , or to measure it in some way , hardly daring to hope that it was good .
15 There must be no provision for the entity to keep the asset on repayment of the finance , or to reacquire it at any time .
16 No injunction will be granted to restrain the repetition of an allegedly libellous statement if the publishers indicate an intention to call evidence at the trial to prove the truth of their statement , or to defend it as honest comment .
17 Sinhalese cattle medicine called for branding the animal with particular designs in order to give it strength or to cure it of various illnesses .
18 The only way to show work is to show it either absolutely by itself , in a very plain setting , so that you can notice every detail of how the light falls on it and so on , or to show it with other absolutely minimal works , so again you get this utter simplicity and you become very aware of the space in which the thing is hanging and so on , but there must be a very clear , simple setting , as indeed for new classicism , and I sometimes think that this kind of art is the son or grandson of new classicism , in which incidentally Britain was the leading country .
19 Where it is not supported , the reason is often , as suggested by Rundquist ( 1980 , 1983 ) , because the spending patterns are already set by the geography of demands ( one would not expect large spending on subsidies for cotton farmers in New Hampshire , for example ) and the goal of the pork barrellers is rather to get plenty of money for the programme than to direct it to certain areas rather than others .
20 To retain the support of the landowners , the regime continued throughout the 1950s to channel state funds into the agricultural sector and to support it with protectionist policies which merely sustained inefficiency and low productivity .
21 The Milky Way , presumably a translation of Ludwig Kuhn 's earlier German text of 1978 , is an attempt to give an up-to-date view of the Galaxy and to compare it with other galaxies .
22 That is why we are committed to provide the opportunity afforded by trust status and to grant it to those health care units that seek it , where they can show that they will use the freedoms that that status involves .
23 Fortunately , steps are being taken by the Indonesian wildlife department , assisted by the Worldwide Fund for Nature , to protect the remaining population and to increase it by artificial rearing .
24 erm Listeners will probably know that there has been for many years what 's called the Schools Council , which has looked at erm curriculum matters and examination matters , and a year or so ago it was decided to discontinue the Schools Council , and to replace it by two successor committees , one the School Curriculum Development Committee , which you 've already mentioned and which I chair , and a parallel committee concerned with examinations , the School Examination , sorry the Secondary Examination Council , which is chaired by a mathematician , Sir Wilfred Cockroft .
25 In speeches to the Parliamentary Assembly and the Court and Commission of Human Rights on Oct. 8 , 1988 , Pope John Paul II called on the countries of Europe to " remember their common Christian heritage " and to apply it to all aspects of life , particularly to policies governing family life , genetic engineering , education and employment .
26 Then they can pause in a reading to worry out a meaning , and to discuss it with each other .
27 " Every question asked requires historical information to be applied : the basic need here is for the candidate to select information which is relevant and to organise it in such a way that it is directed towards answering the specific question asked . "
28 Germany , France and the Netherlands , in contrast , seem to be against it , while the United Kingdom would like to considerably lengthen the period during which workers are not eligible for the minimum wage and national paid holidays , and to extend it to daily , weekly , Sunday , and night working hours .
29 Clearly something does happen in higher education ; it is not enough to argue that it trains an elite and to leave it at that .
30 So — strictly speaking — it is not correct to say that it ‘ happened ’ in the seventeenth century and to leave it at that .
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