Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
2 There is no transport on the island , and to walk in perfect quiet along the little narrow roads , discovering wayside temples and little shrines ; meet a crowd of smiling , noisy children coming out of school ; or to go back to the quayside where fish , vegetables , cheap jewellery , sunglasses , cooked food , hot snacks were all being sold in the open air ; all this was a blissful change from the hectic atmosphere of the city .
3 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
4 It will have instructed the Parliamentary Draftsman on the preparation of the Bill ; he will have drafted it ( though probably not without returning to the department on a number of occasions for clarification of instructions or to point out to the department any legal or constitutional difficulties encountered in implementing the instructions ) .
5 The involuntary expansions and contractions have the consequence that to hold on to the most aware response it may be a practical necessity to numb oneself to a local awareness which distracts from it .
6 The terrain being flat , the wind tore across scrub and heathland unimpeded , and the snow it drove ahead of itself banked against our cottage , so that to get out to the pump we had to dig ourselves a path .
7 This certainly overstates the situation , but there is no doubt that party leaders in Parliament like to keep a free ( and vague ) policy hand , and in their speeches and campaigning around election time they are more likely to attack opponents and invoke positive symbols than to get down to the specifics of their own party programmes .
8 We have been asked to give that up and to go over to the European Community system , with the European Court and majority voting — the shoe is pinching all the time .
9 Now , this is not an Oxford cartoon either , but it 's a looting soldier , and very much , I think , underlines what people felt about soldiers around the place , and to go back to the overcrowding , erm the great problem was that constantly not only soldiers , but a great many other people , court officials , court servants , barbers , whoever , erm all had to found accommodation , and because St Aldate 's was so near the court , a great many of them were of course connected with the court , they had some high ranking ones .
10 The exercise of accountability , and of professional judgement , by their very definitions require much more in-depth knowledge , and the ability to analyse and evaluate information , and to relate both to the care of individuals and to client groups .
11 If this is the case it might be much more effective to scrap the mailing and to talk personally to the journalists concerned .
12 To reflect on that match and to look forward to the Oxfordshire Cup Final between Henley and Oxford , Adam Hollingworth is joined by Ray Tapper , the Oxford coach , and Nigel Dudding , the Henley club captain .
13 Of course , to court imprisonment , and to submit voluntarily to the penalties imposed by the state could be construed as in implicit recognition of the right of the state to impose those penalties and , therefore , to play into the hands of an unjust regime .
14 The main roll out of cc:Mail is expected in September and to run through to the end of the year .
15 Much work will be necessary to help voluntary organisations devise appropriate funding structures , to support and an increasingly central role in service provision , and to respond effectively to the outcome of the government 's efficiency scrutiny .
16 In establishing a relationship to undertake some form of direct social work , the worker is above all learning to communicate , and to respond accurately to the communications received .
17 It would have been customary to allow the animal its own head , and to hold on to the last truck , or hitch a lift by hanging onto the end .
18 Then the only jump instruction that is logically necessary ( though others may be provided for efficiency ) is one to jump if the condition code is set to a specified binary bit pattern ( or perhaps a specified group of patterns ) , and to drop through to the next instruction if the condition code is set to any other pattern .
19 Beyond the river , the plain married into wandering uplands where the low Lennox hills banded the horizon , a ridge thrusting eastwards above forest and hamlet to merge with the west Lothian hills and the Pentlands , and to end far to the left , where sea and sky met , with the crag , small and dear , of Dunedin .
20 His instructions were to recover the allied prisoners of war , to disarm the Japanese , and to hand over to the lawful authority as soon as possible .
21 But to go back to the old ways ‘ would be a colossal mistake , ’ he declared .
22 I 'll come back to that in a moment because we still only enrol a rather tiny proportion of those active in our sport but to go back to the point about training .
23 He cautioned them to avoid crossing the Waste but to cling instead to the edge of the forest .
24 To change horses yet again would be , admittedly , an extraordinary admission of failure ; but to cling stubbornly to the neck of an ailing nag might be worse .
25 Erm but to come back to the first criterion which says avoid the greenbelt , I know exactly what you mean when you say avoid the greenbelt , but if in the context of the wording before that where it says to be located beyond the outer boundary of the York greenbelt , do you need to have criterion one ?
26 You know how he 'll behave because you 'd behave the same , ’ she sneered scathingly , then yelped in alarm when he curved a large hand round her neck and urged her roughly towards him , giving Hilary little choice but to climb on to the fork .
27 Moreover when he does refer to ideology it is not to develop the concept or incorporate it into his analysis of capitalism but to refer back to the tyranny of ideas and the emptiness of idealism ( e.g. in the Grundrisse , Marx 1973 : 164 ) .
28 He felt he needed to rebuild the relationship — not , of course , to revive it as a total marriage , but to get back to the level of intermittent companionship which seemed to have gone .
29 The circulation of air round a depression usually has ‘ fronts ’ or areas of rain associated with it , and when birds , which navigate by being able to see the night sky , meet with a barrier of rain and bad visibility then there is nothing for it but to drop down to the nearest land and wait until conditions improve .
30 But to speak so to the Queen ! — Foreigners forget their place ( having left it behind ) .
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