Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This will help her calculate what quantities of tin openers to order , or to plan a promotion campaign at the beginning of February .
2 Delete a division mark created accidentally , or to reset the default margins .
3 Do you want to make regular contributions to an investment plan , or to invest a lump sum ?
4 Their specific duty is to prevent a breach of the peace or to enforce a court order ; for example , access .
5 The answer is to listen carefully before buying , or to arrange a hum loan ( usually against the cash price ) from a dealer with alternatives on offer .
6 Write or call now for a comprehensive information pack or to arrange a showhouse visit .
7 The nomination of subcontractors , whereby the main contract or the engineer stipulates the name of a subcontractor whom the main contractor must employ , should generally be avoided unless , for example , it is necessary to retain specialists skills or to observe a time constraint .
8 For more information or to obtain a booking form contact :
9 As we shall see in Chapter 7 , the obvious policy solution is for the government to increase aggregate demand by increasing government expenditure or by reducing taxation , or to increase the money supply ( which will also increase aggregate demand ) .
10 In any event an engineer must know his science and particularly the limitations on that knowledge but in general his scientific literacy does not help him either to design a product or to write a computer program to control the product 's function .
11 This , however , is mostly supposition and there is little evidence to support these arguments or to indicate the resource implications of this even if they are valid .
12 However , fundamental ways of reducing the size of public expenditure would require the government to find new ways of charging for the services it provides , or to dismantle the Welfare State .
13 It was necessary either to retain the existing records system and recruit an additional member of the clerical team , or to tackle the problem -employee record keeping and reporting — at source , and create a more efficient and appropriate information system .
14 Section 31 explains the rights of an assignee of share in partnership : ( 1 ) An assignment by a partner of his share in the partnership , either absolute or by way of mortage or redeemable charge , does not , as against the other partners , entitle the assignee , during the continuance of the partnership , to interfere in the management or administration of the partnership business or affairs , or to require any accounts of the partnership transactions , or to inspect the partnership books , but entitles the assignee only to receive the share of profits to which the assigning partner would otherwise be entitled , and the assignee must accept the account of profits agreed to by the partners .
15 But Lord Donaldson said he did not interpret the power in the 1981 Broadcasting Act to mean that Parliament intended the home secretary to have authority either covertly to censor programmes or to require the broadcasting authorities to present news programmes other than with due impartiality and accuracy .
16 American evidence cited by Phillips and Hawkins demonstrates that delay can be used as a deliberate tactic either against unmeritorious or unreasonable claims , or to alleviate the cash-flow problems of smaller insurance companies .
17 That is to say they operated in such a way as either to confirm the proposed design ( by acting within the analysis phase ) or to generate the engineering information for production ( by acting within the scheming phase ) .
18 While the French and West Germans believe a supra-national system for regulating the EC economies should be subject to democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament , Chancellor Kohl wants this agreed and in legal form before other changes are made to the Treaty of Rome to create the proposed EC central bank or to give the EC Council of Ministers powers to override national governments .
19 If the death penalty were abolished it would be possible either to substitute a fixed penalty of imprisonment for life or to give the Judge discretion to pass sentence of any term up to imprisonment for life .
20 contingency planning , or to use the vogue phrase , disaster recovery arrangements , has now become more important in the calculation of premiums .
21 They can choose whether to enter data themselves or to use the data preparation service in the computer centre ; to enter data using real-time screen-based record editors or to use a monolithic batch mode multifile update system .
22 A slightly more sophisticated system is to put the names , positions and addresses on stencils or to use an addressograph system .
23 All the files of which LIFESPAN needs only one copy are placed here : this includes command files for the LIFESPAN Manager and users to use , for instance to start and stop LIFESPAN Processes , or to put a LIFESPAN header on a source file .
24 You have tried to either force a user to accept responsibility for a Software Performance Report ( SPR ) ( using option 3.8.0 — Force User To Accept SPR ) or to submit a Software Status Report ( SSR ) ( using option 4.3.0 — Submit SSR ) , without having the privilege SPR SSR CONTROLLER .
25 If you know you will be with people in the evening too , it would be ideal to have the afternoon away from people altogether or to postpone the evening appointment .
26 Or to start the Zoë Oldenburg .
27 On Dec. 22 a report commissioned by the government from the Economic Advisory Council advocated controls on imports and argued that currency depreciation and export growth would not be sufficient to stem inflation or to reduce the trade deficit .
28 This limitation forces the investor to accept the level of market risk and the only ways in which this can be avoided are to select defensive ( low beta ) securities or to move out of the equities market into alternative investments or to reduce the market influence by combining equities with the risk-free asset .
29 You may want to change the format , say from Video 8 to VHS , so that it can be played back on your table-top VCR , or to convert the sound track from hi-fi to a linear edge track which can then be edited by audio dub .
30 But he angered Welsh MPs by not promising help for families with inadequate private insurance cover or to lift the capping charge on Aberconwy Council , the authority worst hit by the floods .
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