Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] will [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 He must also be made aware that although his parents or guardian will help him to do this , sooner or later he will have to manage to control himself without their help , and this should be explained to him as soon as he is able to understand .
2 All the techniques in taekwondo are flexible and allow the practitioner to change his mind at the last minute as to which block or punch will provide him with the best defence or counter-attack .
3 And neither bribe nor threat will budge him from the truth as God reveals it to him .
4 But loyalty and prudence will require him to do good by stealth this weekend if he is to restore Britain 's tarnished European image .
5 But loyalty and prudence will require him to do good by stealth this weekend if he is to restore Britain 's tarnished European image .
6 So it behoves the healthy eater to assess the Indian menu for the best options , since chances are circumstances , friends and hunger will take him or her there sooner rather than later !
7 The big prize looks sure to be decided by a special scoring table which will gauge which man performs best on the night at Crystal Palace and Christie insisted : ‘ Colin 's got a very good chance I reckon only Zelezny and Morceli will challenge him . ’
8 Every step which reduces a person 's wealth gratuitously is an occasion for the operation of the tax , and each taxable transaction is aggregated ; the dossier builds up ; and the rich man can quickly find himself hemmed in so that gifts are too expensive to make and death will present him a prey to the plunderers .
9 True , the £1,000 belongs to the husband at law — there is no denying it ; but Equity will compel him to apply it for the wife 's benefit .
10 On the other hand , the risk is high , because failure will set him back .
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