Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] were [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It was as if some authoritative being had decided that from that moment the names that had applied to such objects as soap , cheese , tree or book were to be exchanged for others , and all signs of delight registered by temper tantrums .
2 At a not-much-reported occasion in north Berwick last Friday night , the right hon. and learned Member for Pentlands made a speech of an accomplished delphic nature in which he said that , if change were to be allowed , independence would be the least advantageous change .
3 The actual differences between the highest paid and the lowest paid have in fact changed only marginally in the past thirty years , and it is still broadly true that the richest 1 per cent of income earners enjoy a gross pay which is about four times greater than they would receive if income were to be equally distributed among the total working population .
4 If unity were to be achieved , a different path had to be sought .
5 Centralisation and nationalisation were to be the means to full employmcnt .
6 It was different from previous work in that main roads were to be included ; public transport as well as walking and cycling were to be considered ; and particular importance was to be attached to the attempt to lower costs and achieve area-wide benefits by applying fewer and simpler measures .
7 Here a change of social circumstances would be needed if vulnerability were to be reduced .
8 Bike parking and signposting were to be improved and experiments with bikes in pedestrian areas were to be tried .
9 If guidance were to be sought in matters which hovered on the boundary between the two , it was likely that the church would be seen by people and politicians as authoritative in resolving the issue .
10 The Chancellor said the strategy for sustained growth rested on three principles : that growth comes from the private sector , not Whitehall ; that a continuing commitment to low inflation was vital if competitiveness were to be maintained ; that the only way to increase the country 's long-term growth rate was by improving the supply performance of the economy .
11 For it was at court , as the more astute realised , that positions of power and wealth were to be found .
12 Gorbachev called for the preservation of " the common economic space " and increased co-operation and stability , which were essential conditions if help were to be expected from the G-7 industrialized countries .
13 So , if clashes , deadlock , and instability were to be avoided , ways had to be found to ensure harmony between the three " checking " institutions of the state .
14 If untouchability were to be regarded as an integral part of the Hindu way of life , Gandhi feels that he would have to cease calling himself a Hindu , but he firmly believes that as an institution it has no sanction within Hinduism .
15 If we were to have dialogue , if dialogue were to be opened between us and I am now talking about dialogue and not of debate , then erm it is only erm , I 'm certain that there would be a great deal to , to say to him from us on our part , and I am also sure that he will have a great deal to say .
16 Certain objectives might have to be abandoned if others of even greater value and importance were to be attained .
17 Although upper or middle class women in the 18th century managed to negotiate ways in which to participate in the intellectual culture of their day — this is the age of the so-called blue stockings , fashionable women who banned gambling at their parties and invited clever people to come and converse wittily with each other — this period also witnessed the emergence of a sexually discriminating language , which defined women as the gentle and sentimental sex , and proposed a passive ideal of femininity closely tied to nature and biologically determined nurturing role in which intelligence and imagination were to be banished if not carefully hidden — masked .
18 If generosity were to be measured by gifts .
19 The development , not always as carefully planned as it might have been , of two sets of responsibilities — pastoral and academic — obviously needed to be integrated if confusion and conflict were to be avoided .
20 At the same time he profoundly believed that in the church Jew and Gentile were to be united in one fellowship .
21 Instead she and Midnight were to be housed and fed to suit an old woman 's cracked-brain scheme .
22 If pornography were to be restricted legally the mechanisms would likely to be similar to those which already affect rape reporting , so their use is relevant to both issues .
23 Ideally , the roles of husband and wife were to be complementary , the husband earning the wage and the wife acting as ‘ chancellor of the family exchequer ’ and spending it wisely .
24 Stability and permanence were to be encouraged , young people and parents warned of ‘ the dangers , both spiritual and physical , of sexual promiscuity whether heterosexual or homosexual ’ .
25 The increase was not uniformly distributed over the whole country ; the population grew most rapidly in the North and West , especially where coal and iron were to be found , and supplied a convenient labour force for the manufacturing industries .
26 Here , in primary legislation , the essentials are prescribed : the three core subjects of mathematics , English and science ; the seven foundation subjects ( history , geography , technology , music , art , physical education and - in secondary schools — a modern foreign language ) ; the ‘ basic , subject , religious education ; the mechanisms of programmes of study , attainment targets and keystage assessment by means of which the objectives of breadth , balance and quality were to be achieved .
27 Honesty and courtesy were to be their guides when phoning potential customers , with no misleading statements , exaggerations or partial truths , and no unsolicited calls made to them at their place of work .
28 Church and State were to be separated , local government democratized , and a Constituent Assembly elected by universal , direct , equal and secret franchise was to be summoned to settle the future form of the country 's constitution and to resolve major social problems such as that of the land .
29 If prostitution were to be stopped they would have to work on the rice fields on a starvation salary . ’
30 And they had better uses for their money than to sit here drinking with Colin and his latest tart who had opened her legs to half Norwich , if rumour were to be believed .
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