Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] that he had " in BNC.

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1 They had dressed him in the shoes and suit and overcoat that he had worn when arrested .
2 They were going to the home of opera , to listen to some Verdi , Puccini and Donizetti ; and to see at first hand the fine art and architecture that he had studied and only previously heard about or seen in books .
3 Paris says that he conducted himself here in a typically high-handed manner , whilst the Dunstable annalist writes of his boasting before the king and queen that he had the Welsh in the palm of his hand .
4 ‘ Think yourselves lucky , ’ Kadan observed as he dumped the bedding and equipment that he had scavenged on their behalf on the grass and began to sort it into piles .
5 Another waiter came up to him then with a bundle of letters and cash that he had left behind in the foyer and forgotten .
6 By glimpses I learnt with awe and astonishment that he had once been of my age .
7 For the next hour Fabia was alternately angry that he could take her to such heights only to call a halt when she responded too readily , and despair that he had made such a nonsense of her that she had n't known where the dickens she was .
8 Trent surprised a disconcertingly familiar look in his eyes , a combination of guilt , anger and bitterness that he had learnt to recognise in his own father as the approach of one more milestone in his downward journey .
9 There was something so vivid and authentic about the little boy 's face and voice that he had to look away .
10 At the same time , however , the man appointed as Minister , Gabriel Arias Salgado , was a rigid Catholic and well known for the fanatical campaigns against sin and temptation in literature , cinema and theatre that he had master-minded from the Department of Popular Education in the 1940s .
11 Ellie provoked and stimulated Mr O'Mara with her inquisitive and questioning mind , and entertained him with her ever truthful and utterly pragmatic approach , while the kindness , respect and affection that he had accorded Ellie had enabled her to grow quickly and painlessly from a gauche teenager into a poised young woman .
12 He turned towards the stove so that she should n't see the flush of shame and dismay that he had let slip Berowne 's name .
13 Following by instinct , following the trail of mind and memory that he had left , she had surely and with great purpose come to the final place of Harry 's death
14 Alexandra said suddenly , standing before him with a plate of wafer thin bread and butter that he had already refused .
15 Ajeya Singh returned to India and tried to refute the allegations , pointing out numerous flaws in the report , and offered his passport as evidence that he had not been in St Kitts when he was supposed to have signed documents opening the account with the now-defunct bank , the First Trust Corporation .
16 And Rank interpreted his own difficulty in understanding The Red Shoes as evidence that he had a disaster on his hands .
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