Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] of a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In parliament , opposition party tactics were to capitalize on popular discontent with government economic policy by opposing specific measures , such as price increases , on the grounds that they were either inopportune or part of a generally faulty government economic strategy .
2 It will then be important to gather information on local dietary and agricultural practices and beliefs to assess the feasibility of improving the production , storage , and consumption of local vitamin-A-rich foods , the introduction of new foods , or fortification of a locally consumed food .
3 A total of 238 occupied breeding territories was found in just over half the county , and birds were found in another 71 localities in the breeding season , where evidence of a definitely occupied breeding territory was not obtained .
4 But the case must rest on whether the depiction of sex on the level of gross anatomical detail , divorced from feeling and personal relationships , carries a probable consequence for the viewer of changes in attitudes or behaviour of a significantly harmful or antisocial kind .
5 The difference between these two values might be very substantial , particularly where development of a far more valuable character than had been anticipated in 1947 took place .
6 7.7.4 not to store or bring onto the Premises any article substance or liquid of a specially combustible inflammable or explosive nature other than such articles as are offered for sale by the Tenant or any undertenant in its or their normal trade and business and to comply with the requirements and recommendations of the fire authority as to fire precautions relating to the Premises
7 7.7.4 not to store or bring onto the Premises any article substance or liquid of a specifically combustible inflammable or explosive nature and to comply with the requirements and recommendations of the fire authority [ and the [ reasonable ] requirements of the Landlord ] as to fire precautions relating to the Premises Some tenants sell inflammable or what may be considered to be otherwise dangerous substances in the normal course of their business .
8 The idea of what has been called data privacy , the claim of the individual to control information about himself , is not confined to so-called sensitive data or information of a particularly recherché kind — it can apply to any piece of data about an identifiable individual , who is the only one who can say whether or not , in the particular context , he or she regards the data as sensitive .
9 It used to be thought that a binary resulted from the fission or breaking-up of a formerly single star which was spinning rapidly , and became unstable .
10 In the arts , elasticity is usually expressed by attenuation or flexure of a previously established grid : eg , a square pattern becomes a diamond pattern .
11 Our own professional company will present a form of theatre which , like chamber music , will make considerable demands on the talent and experience of a relatively small number of players .
12 ’ Typically , Morrissey seems to cherish the very constraints and despondency of a now disappearing England , fetishize the lost limits .
13 These were the most savage and primitive of a generally savage race .
14 Better technology , too , has assisted in the development and provision of a more comprehensive range of services ( e.g. banks offer credit cards , ‘ instant ’ statements , quicker decisions on loans and longer term services like mortgages ) .
15 But this is sometimes taken to mean the formation of groups of teachers to generate their own ideas without reference to theory and research of a more rigorous and academic character .
16 Neither these heads of agreement nor their acceptance by the Vendors will constitute a binding contract between the parties nor a restriction on any further terms which may be included in that contract , but , subject thereto , it is intended that they form the basis of instruction to lawyers for the drafting and completion of a legally binding agreement between the parties .
17 Neither these heads of agreement nor their acceptance by the Vendors will constitute a binding contract between the parties nor a restriction on any further terms which may be included in that contract , but , subject thereto , it is intended that they form the basis of instruction to lawyers for the drafting and completion of a legally binding agreement between the parties .
18 Play and experiment of a more or less directly sexual nature is natural and normal among younger children and , provided it takes place in non-frightening circumstances between children of roughly the same age there is generally no harm in it at all .
19 Care and maintenance of a very large ‘ koonkie ’ .
20 A driver used to more power and rubber might expect to find himself in trouble if he attempted to maintain his normal pace with the cheapest Fiesta , but such is the confident poise of the car that it offers handling and grip of a far higher order than the tuned-for-economy engine can justify .
21 Overall , the objective is not only to give prominence to the life and work of a highly original and much underrated communist intellectual and novelist , but also to scrutinise the example of Nizan as a guiding principle for action in the present .
22 He married first Margaret Edwin , secondly Mary Cox , widow and sister-in-law of a politically moderate parliamentarian colonel .
23 The buildings south of the main east-west street were chiefly affected , being united to form a major complex reminiscent of the principia and praetorium of a more normal fort .
24 A female water-sprite , with the face and torso of a most beautiful and seductive woman .
25 A new education bill remained unfunded , and reform of a famously regressive tax system made no progress .
26 The other part handles the manufacture and marketing of a very large range of ‘ effect chemicals ’ whose uses are legion : there is scarcely an industry that does not need them as intermediates to a greater or lesser extent .
27 The inculcation of political orthodoxy and instruction of a more coercive nature was left strictly in the hands of the Party .
28 In 1931 , under the direction of ( Sir ) Isaac Shoenberg [ q.v ] of the newly formed Electric and Musical Industries ( EMI ) research laboratories , Blumlein was appointed chief engineer to head a multi-disciplinary team charged with research and development of a purely electrical television system .
29 The reason is that driving provides a unique opportunity to study the nature and development of an extremely complex cognitive skill for which humans have no obvious evolutionary preparation and yet one which enormous numbers of people acquire , often without any formal training .
30 But many interviews carried out in social research are of samples of what we might call ‘ ordinary ’ people — people who have characteristics , opinions and knowledge of a much more general nature .
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