Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] of a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , no-one devising a system of government for a late twentieth-century industrial democracy would give the right to alter legislation to a group of people whose only qualification is the fact that at some time in the dim and distant past a grateful monarch rewarded the loyalty , bravery , intrigue , obsequiousness or blackmail of an ancestor with the grant of a title and the profits of plunder .
2 Where a defendant to an action claims against any person not already a party , contribution or indemnity , or some relief , remedy , or settlement of an issue connected with the subject matter of the action , he must proceed by way of a third party notice ( N 15 ) .
3 Generally , the cuckoo will not go on to take more than one egg , for , presumably , while the host tolerates the substitution or addition of an egg , it wo n't tolerate the loss of one .
4 As an amateur ornithologist he knew himself to be far behind those people who could identify from a snatch of song or flicker of a wing .
5 Without any change of expression or flicker of an eyelid , the girl in the ticket office said , ‘ Where did you say , ducks ? ’
6 It will be circulated freely and provides the public with one key contact for information on each sport or branch of a sport .
7 ( a ) Specializing , as in the cases of sustaining or promoting work in a particular medium or branch of an art , and in some circumstances a particular style ;
8 ‘ Belonging to another ’ is proved by showing that the property was appropriated from someone having possession or control of it , e.g. the owner or tenant etc. of a dwelling house would have possession and control of all the personal property in the house , and the owner or driver of a car would have possession or control of the contents of the car .
9 A change in the weight or fineness of a coinage can occasionally provide a link between an undated and a dated coin .
10 It means a dispute between workers and their employer which relates wholly or mainly to one or more of the following : terms and conditions ( including physical conditions ) of employment : engagement , non-engagement , termination or suspension of employment or of duties of employment ; matters of discipline ; membership or non-membership of a trade union ; facilities for union officials ; machinery for negotiation or consultation and other procedures , including recognition of unions .
11 You are the first of the king 's officers to know that Lord Grey of Ruthyn is carried off prisoner into Wales , and if this moment you turned out the muster of every shire between here and Denbigh , and loosed them into Clocaenog forest , do you think you would find hide or hair of a Welshman there ?
12 There are , however , two longstanding situations on Southern Sandstone where payment of an admission fee has been customary for many years .
13 Insufficient knowledge or experience of an industry or of business generally ( ie breakeven points , profit margins , cash flow , VAT , tax , PAYE etc ) can quickly bring on the end .
14 Could you spare a few hours a month to be a secretary or chairman of a group , a Panda keeper , or trading officer ?
15 The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis .
16 by the loading or unloading of a vehicle so far as concerns loading or unloading risk cover by a Motor Policy ; or
17 Applicants for registration of a company or a change of name are therefore advised , in their own interest — to avoid possible expense and inconvenience — to investigate the possibility that others may have trade marks rights in a name , or part of a name , they require before applying to the Registrar of Companies for its registration .
18 The topic of the research is the management buyout — the purchase of the whole or part of a company by its managers .
19 Held , that on a true construction of section 58 of the Banking Act 1987 and of the Order of 1991 an assignee , whether legal or equitable , under an assignment made before 30 July 1991 of the whole or part of a deposit with an authorised bank was a ‘ depositor ’ for the purposes of the compensation provisions in section 58(1) ; and that , accordingly , an assignee of part of a deposit was to be treated as entitled to the assigned part of the deposit and as having made a deposit of an amount equal to that part ( post , pp. 952F–H , 953A , 954B–C , 955F–G ) .
20 Each layer or part of a layer is usually called a ‘ context ’ , and each is given a unique identifying number during the excavation .
21 ‘ Dwelling ’ means any structure or part of a structure occupied as a person 's home or as other living accommodation ( whether the occupation is separate or shared with others ) but does not include any part not so occupied , and for this purpose ‘ structure ’ includes a tent , caravan , vehicle , vessel or other temporary or movable structure ( Section 8 ) .
22 Note that ‘ dwelling ’ means any structure or part of a structure occupied as a person 's home or as other living accommodation ( whether the occupation is separate or shared with others ) but does not include any part not so occupied , and for this purpose ‘ structure ’ includes a tent , caravan , vehicle , vessel or other temporary or movable structure .
23 ‘ Dwelling ’ means any structure or part of a structure occupied as a person 's home or as other living accommodation ( whether the occupation is separate or shared with others ) and does not include any part not so occupied , and for this purpose ‘ structure ’ includes a tent , caravan , vehicle , vessel or other temporary or movable structure . ’
24 Hours spent on each site during the day or part of a day if working on more than one site .
25 The Coach Drivers Club felt that £5 per day or part of a day for a coach was unreasonable for coaches only visiting the town for up to two hours .
26 These may be large- or small-scale databases designed with very specific educational aims , to cater for a particular topic or part of a course , or for more general use in the school library .
27 ( a ) he enters any building or part of a building as a trespasser and with intent to commit any such offence as is mentioned in sub-section ( 2 ) below ; or
28 ( b ) having entered any building or part of a building as a trespasser he steals or attempts to steal anything in the building or that part of it or inflicts or attempts to inflict on any person therein any grievous bodily harm .
29 ( 2 ) The offences referred to in sub-section ( 1 ) above are offences of stealing anything in the building or part of a building in question , of inflicting on any person therein any grievous bodily harm or raping any woman therein , and of doing unlawful damage to the building or anything therein .
30 Words in narrative form are hardly suited to choral use , though they can occasionally find their place in some kind of chanting , or may be spoken by a narrator or part of a choir .
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