Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] of [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nor was there any instance , as far as I could see , of the faithful lover dying before his long wait was rewarded ; or thought of how the heroine might have felt in such a case , with brothers and sisters flown the nest , father and mother dead , hero dead , the house empty , and the mind , so long attuned and subjected to the needs of other minds , no longer able to recognize and adapt to its own needs .
2 Thus there are four major areas in which family planning and soil conservation policies are similar — the attempt on the part of the state to change private action where private benefits are not clear ; the deep-seated nature of the key or determining variables in the achievement of the policies ' objectives ; the problems of researching a highly complex field , and the realisation that knowledge of how the key variables operate is not enough , and the fact that these policies are almost universally unpopular with politicians and people in general .
3 Hans Hartmann , oceanographer with the Aquatic resources Conservation Group in Seattle , however , said that scientific studies had been misdirected insofar as they had concentrated on how much of a commercial species can be taken out of the sea , rather than understanding of how the sea itself works .
4 Erm the decision to inset the village of Skelton erm has ha h has been taken by the authority , the er the consideration and assessment of where the boundaries of the inset should lie erm is what we 're considering today .
5 It is certainly true that much of the criticism of Leonard Arthur and doctors who believe as he did , was made ‘ in ignorance and misunderstanding of how the science and art of paediatrics is practised ’ as the defence counsel in the case claimed .
6 His immediate requirement is for financial stability and control of where the money is going , especially all the small sums spent on things which , on the face of it , all have perfectly laudable reasons .
7 As a new member of the organization I will have to reconcile the expectations of others , including the systems imposed on me , with my own theories and understanding of how the world works .
8 I 'm just trying to give you and idea of how the method works .
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