Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [pron] it is " in BNC.

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1 Thus , the FIATA freight forwarder is not generally the actual carrier of the goods , although it can carry the cargo in vehicles or vessels it owns or has leased or of which it is the designated operator .
2 for proceeding to or returning from a workshop in which a body or a special type of equipment or accessory is to be or has been fitted to it or in which it is to be or has been painted , valeted or repaired ;
3 ( 1 ) In all the circumstances is it more appropriate that a court of the country to which a child has been wrongfully removed or in which it is being wrongfully retained ( country B ) ’ — in this case one can say England — ‘ should reach decisions and make orders with a view to its welfare or is it more appropriate that this should be done by a court of the country from which it was removed or to which its return has been wrongfully prevented ( [ Australia ] ) ? ( 2 ) If , but only if , the answer to the first question is that the court of [ England ] is the more appropriate court , should that court give any consideration whatsoever to what further orders should be made other than for the immediate return of the child to [ Australia ] and for ensuring its welfare pending the resumption or assumption of jurisdiction by the courts of that country ?
4 mode of argument ( c ) : Relate a text to the historical circumstances which produced it , or in which it is read .
5 For ethical reasons , no social researcher should expose respondents to that possibility , and others over whom this threat does not hang or by whom it is treated lightly , such as ex-policemen and women or disgruntled members of the force , are too unrepresentative to give a balanced view of policing Therefore , it was necessary to undertake an overt study and to obtain permission for the research from the Chief Constable .
6 That 's all it is it 's repetition go over and over or around whatever it is
7 I quote there a sonnet by him , where he says that with him it is the language which creates the poetry .
8 He had never been taught to draw although he admits that to him it is ‘ as natural as breathing .
9 We could insert ‘ Christian truths ’ ( or doctrines or promises ) for ‘ Christian presuppositions ’ , but I prefer to speak this way to focus attention on what a presupposition does rather than on what it is .
10 The Billy Graham organisation used to estimate that only ten per cent of their crowds came as a direct result of advertising and , generally speaking , I find that by itself it is the least cost-effective way of marketing events ; the most effective being personal invitation .
11 Everything depends upon the situation in which talk and theorizing takes place , and between whom it is created , and what it is about .
12 No doubt many , probably a majority , of the cases of non-gonococcal urethritis are due to infectious organisms , but there remains a hard core of cases from which no pathogenic germs can be isolated and for which it is just conceivable that antibiotic treatment may not be the best therapy .
13 At this point it is useful to extract from the account a number of basic questions which teacher or student essentially ask and for which it is the task of a resources organization to provide answers .
14 In practice , the planning system is being used to settle disputes between neighbours in a way which was never intended and for which it is not designed .
15 He does not , however , retract his proposal that the precepts of the imagist manifesto are still the best rules of thumb for ‘ the neophyte ’ , the beginner in his ‘ prentice-work ; and for what it is worth my own experience in the workshop certainly bears that out .
16 This is a condition brought about by the combined effect of evolution and civilisation and for everyone it is quite unavoidable .
17 By that age , 51% have been promoted out of clerical work and for them it is merely a stepping-stone to a higher status non-manual job .
18 Rhys 's five-year-old sister Charly also has the condition and for her it is too late .
19 Rhys 's five-year-old sister Charly also has the condition and for her it is too late .
20 This eternal idea was brought to light and exemplified concretely in Jesus , and through him it is also made known to us .
21 Although these studies , derived from psychology and psychoanalysis , show little concern with the specific nature of the culture within which socialization occurs , the detailing of the process itself strongly reinforces the argument that the human subject can not be considered outside of the material world within which and through which it is constructed .
22 Whether a system with finitely many basic signals is a system of communication in the strong sense — that is , a linguistic system — depends on whether the characteristic behaviour within which and against which it is interpreted is complex enough to sustain attributions of higher-order beliefs and intentions to the creatures concerned .
23 They are concerned with reductionism , and with what it is to be a ‘ self ’ .
24 On the one hand , GM has joined forces with Toyota in car production and with the Japanese van manufacturer Isuzu , to which it sold a 40 per cent stake in its Bedford van plant in the UK and with which it is now investing £70m to produce a new four-wheel drive vehicle for the European market .
25 An instance of the second sort could be derived from the claim that to understand this or any proposition is to know under which conditions it is true and under which it is false .
26 ECT is likely to be indicated in severely depressed patients who show biological features of depression , especially if delusions or retardation are present ( Brandon et al. 1984 ) , and in whom it is felt that delay in relieving symptoms is unjustified .
27 But America , however sleek the surface , is a massively antiquated contraption in which the wheels grind slowly , and in which it is old pols , not callow meritocrats , who understand the working of the gears .
28 The attitudinist will admit , indeed , that there is a weak sense of true' and ‘ false ’ , in which they merely register agreement or disagreement , and in which it is quite legitimate to use them to express agreement or disagreement in attitude with an ethical statement .
29 It is n't just that the repertory is far-removed from that of the harp 's romantic territory — and , to the best of my recollection , of a kind last explored ( more conservatively and on a modern instrument ) in an entire disc by Zabaleta ( Archiv ) over 20 years ago , nor that it is played on two pedal-less early harps , it 's the spirit with and in which it is executed .
30 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
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