Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are fun or their readers or audience and offer a chance to win something for nothing or at least for a very slight effort .
2 The first was the pressure for independence or at least for a measure of internal self-government in India .
3 It will go forever — or at least for a century .
4 Only the France of the Sun King could afford the luxury of overseas development for its own sake , or at least for the sake of a distant and ill-defined future .
5 TCCB , known in the past to have administered punishment for long-past ‘ sins ’ , or at least for the disreputable later exposure of them , will have to decide whether Beefy 's tale of being ‘ extremely inebriated ’ in Perth five years ago , when he forgot his bat and had to go back for it before smashing 48 off Western Australia , is an indictable offence .
6 She immediately saw the sense in these remarks and abandoned for ever ( or at least for the time being ) the view that the reluctance of the Church to ordain women revealed it as bigoted and unfair .
7 But it is worth noting that at least for the criticism of popular culture , and of television in particular , this apparently postmodern move may have less to do with a radical change in the terms of value than with a fundamental shift of attention — and of political faith — from the text to the audience .
8 Only a few , largely of the younger members , consider that at least for the first few years after an election , the House as a whole should keep a wary eye on the government and seek to support or influence its policy irrespective of the line taken by the official Opposition .
9 Erm , and I also understand that this is the first time you 've actually had someone from the private sector , er , whose been invited to er , address your A G M so , I 'd like to thank you for the privilege , and for also for the opportunity to speak on a subject which I personally er , find of of great interest .
10 Between 1713 and 1763 they paid little attention to the colonies in America , and at least for the first half of the period it was hard to see what else could have been done .
11 But at least for a little while Mama would be happy , and keeping Mama happy had become a way of life , almost .
12 But at least for the rest of us Johanna 's lovely face will serve as a terrible reminder that our teenage daughters — however self-sufficient they might seem — are probably more at peril as they blossom into womanhood than they ever were as little girls .
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