Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adj] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 We should satisfy ourselves that any work beyond this was necessary because a restricted repair was not practical and re-roofing in part or in full was the only effective method of repair .
2 As we have seen , constituency seats and list seats were not equal in number , nor in 1961 was the allotment of seats to parties calculated in exactly the same way as it is now .
3 This state of affairs prevailed despite the fact that the theme of the man-environment relation has , according to Harvey ( 1969 ) , never been far from the heart of geographic research , and for many was the overriding theme .
4 If he expected me to break into tears and confess , then he was a good judge of character , but I had Dod to think about and Dod had a missus and kids and anyway was bigger than me and after all was a pretty good drummer .
5 The most significant feature of the rural scene here both before and after 1905 was the prevalence of peasant households which were neither kulak nor ‘ semi-proletarian ’ .
6 Ahead is the Town Hall and past that is the famous Old Town Square ( Staroměstské náměstí ) .
7 The driver never disputed that the engine was a foreigner , but pins his defence , he pointed out that the week previous , he had taken over and ex-LNER B.1 4–6–0 working from Sheffield to Llandudno , and despite that being a foreigner , had been acceptable .
8 To their right was the nave altar and behind that was the organ loft separating off the choir , presbytery and apse chapel .
9 Inside the railing was an expensive desk and behind that was an expensive brunette .
10 Prior to 1924 it was men only , then when ladies began to have short hair , a curtain was put across the shop and behind this was the third chair where Mr. Yeates , Tommy 's recently acquired partner began operating on the female sex .
11 Over and above that are the various assurance schemes designed to offer as near as possible a guarantee of quality , safety , wholesomeness and implied animal welfare in the whole process in much the same way as the lion 's stamp once guaranteed eggs in the pre-Edwina Currie days .
12 But over and above this is a terrible fact that despite what they are already putting up with , they 've got more they 've got the seventeen percent coming on their .
13 The bank and program number are displayed in a two-digit LED and above this is the A4 's on-board tuner .
14 Kafi , 64 , had been a colonel in the war of independence from France , later became president of the influential National Organization of the Mujahidine ( war veterans ) , and from 1979 was a member of the central committee of the then sole legal party , the National Liberation Front ( FLN ) .
15 Then came the marking out section , and alongside these were the repair shaft and tail-board gang .
16 By the nineteenth century , however , whatever its origins , the separateness of childhood was axiomatic in Victorian ideology , a symbol of middle-class status as much as non-working women , and alongside this was an intensified emotional investment in the child and a fear of sexual corruption .
17 The teaching of religion was always a feature of the curriculum , and until 1988 was the one subject legally required .
18 The church is 12th century , and until 1876 was a chapelry under Market Weighton .
19 Thomas le Masun in 1323 witnessed a document with members of the Wells chapter and in 1327 was a well-to-do resident of Wells .
20 Egypt has the second largest population in Africa ( after Nigeria ) and in 1983 was the fourth largest oil producer .
21 He was a member of the archbishops ' committee on industrial problems ( 1917–18 ) , and in 1927 was the two archbishops ' choice to introduce the revised prayer-book measure in the House of Commons .
22 First , it was not a strike over wages — although a wage claim was later added to the terms on which the Union was prepared to return to work ; it was about the future of the coalmining industry in Great Britain , and in particular was a protest against a plan for extensive pit closures with consequences for both miners ' jobs and the future of their communities .
23 Above the altar rose the back wall and on this was the main painting , the gigantic conception of the painter 's mind .
24 And that is a value for X , it equals minus five and minus five is a number .
25 Two stone steps and a low wide door in the far wall led up to a smaller kitchen , and beyond that was the gloomy pantry where trussed birds and enormous rounds of butter and cheese were stacked on cold stone slabs .
26 From Martinská Street turn right into Na Perštýně and at 7/345 is the Perštýn house or the old beer hall The Two Bears , where V. V. Reiner lived after marrying the innkeeper 's daughter .
27 Blandin was both the first woman and the first Green president of a regional council and at 39 was the youngest to be elected .
28 He was engaged in trading abroad , in cloth and books , and by 1650 was an important member of the community associated with the London Dutch church ; he was also a friend of Samuel Hartlib [ q.v. ] , who often describes him as an ‘ informant ’ .
29 It had been built earlier in the century , and by 1794 was the home of Henry Poole 's uncle , Thomas Poole the elder , an ‘ irritable , arbitrary old man ’ whose bad temper owed only a little to his sufferings from the gout .
30 Barrow-in-Furness , too , sprang from a single house , grew into a fishing village of about three hundred people by the 1840s , and by 1878 was a town of forty thousand .
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