Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [coord] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Parties faced with an expert 's decision or an arbitration award will need to know how the decision or award may be enforced , whether they can appeal against the decision or award and whether they can sue the expert or arbitrator .
2 However , if your usual diet incorporated oats , barley or rye or if you would like to experiment , you can include foods containing these this week .
3 A limited example of this is the recognition that whether a text is published in quarto or folio or whether it circulates as a manuscript will help to create the conditions in which the text 's meaning is understood within a given culture at a particular historical instant .
4 If you have any continuing illness or condition or if you are registered as a disabled person you should make an early appointment with one of the doctors .
5 ( 2 ) The difficulty arises where there is some evidence but it is of a tenuous character , for example because of inherent weakness or vagueness or because it is inconsistent with other evidence .
6 Mr Sedley said the court would have to decide if the damage to property under the Act included contamination by nuclear matter or waste or if it was limited to ‘ injury ’ to the fabric .
7 You used to have to take a er a erm your own cup and erm that was for your for for whatever we had we I do n't know I remember we had lemonade or pop or whether it was tea or we had er we had to take a cup , and er most of us invariably took a a big handkerchief with us .
8 Melamine boards are n't as durable as wood or polythene and as they wear , they can absorb bacteria .
9 It often refers to any individual member organization irrespective of its actual name , i.e. whether it is an association or federation or whether it stands for Planned Parenthood , Family Well-being , Responsible Parenthood , Protection of the Family or Family Health , etc .
10 To this end she never wasted a word or gesture and when she saw Wexford she neither greeted him nor even lifted her head , but said to one of her little girls :
11 Furthermore , an incorrect diagnosis will merely result in the tradesman replacing a wrong component or unit and when he tests to see if the fault is clear will find it is still there .
12 We do n't do things out of choice or purpose but because we are rewarded for what we do .
13 But in our present context , it raises the question as to whether the call of the Killer whaler is recognized instinctively by a new-born seal or porpoise or whether it is learnt during adolescence , while in the company of parents .
14 He/she will have had time to get to know your hair , what suits you , how well it responds to mousse and gel and when it should be cut or styled .
15 Plato makes Protagoras a proponent of democracy , and Socrates is his antagonist : Now when we meet in the Assembly , then if the State is faced with some building project , I observe that the architects are sent for and consulted about the proposed structures , and when it is a matter of shipbuilding , the naval designers , and so on with everything which the Assembly regards as a subject for learning and teaching But when it is something to do with the government of the country that is to be debated , the man who gets up to advise them may be a builder or equally well a blacksmith or a shoemaker , merchant or ship-owner , rich or poor , of good family or none .
16 You know , er given enough time and preparation and if we define clearly what it is that we want to analyze , you know I can provide that information er in the form of a report or in a rawish state and we could discuss that .
17 This is because it is only the school and its daily managers who can assess what it can afford — and what it has to afford — to do in terms of staff time and money and because it is the school which has , in the end , to initiate any assessment of the type of community assistance which will provide its partners with the benefits they seek .
18 Whether such a body would succeed would depend on its organization and funding and whether it was able to create vehicles which could survive in the market-place and be purchased by the public .
19 Later on that day I was sent into the Corporals ' quarters with a mop and bucket and as I went in a Corporal came out buttoning his flies .
20 A new cooker or whatever can be a tremendous boon and investment but before you go out and spend money ask yourself questions about the way you live : is the pace hectic or leisurely ? how many and what sort of meals do you have to provide ? are you far from a good supermarket or freezer centre ? how much time do you have for shopping ? are you out at work all day ? do you grow your own vegetables ? how often do you entertain ? can you spend time on cooking and food preparation or is it always meals in a hurry ?
21 we are , me and mummy and so you have to feed yourself
22 Maybe as a result , there were considerable differences of opinion within the committee as to the nature of the relationship between finance and industry and whether it should be altered by the development of new institutional arrangements .
23 They stand outside , fidgeting and fighting but once they get it they 're okay .
24 They stand outside , fidgeting and fighting but once they get it they 're okay .
25 But I could tell there was no real wish on her part to renew any old ties of love and friendship and if I am going to be honest no real wish on my part either .
26 They use instinct and spontaneity and when they practise something , they do so for the enjoyment it produces and thus it becomes more of a game than a practice .
27 If posture and where you put your body meant anything ( and she had heard sociologists say it did ) , Steve had a strong desire not to be seen .
28 We 've all , we 've got ta remember this , that every one of us , we have a place in God 's will and plan and whilst we are in that place everything is good well there 's , there 's still problems of course , there are still difficulties , there are still heartaches , but things are working right .
29 The whole room , scented with the Christmas goose , seemed to glimmer with warmth and merriment and if it had not been for fear of distressing the children , Alexandra would have been happy to burst into tears .
30 Constance was the only adult to whom she would dream of divulging Sam 's plot , since whether Constance approved or not , she would not be difficult about it : clearly , she did not approve , either because the act would be an invasion of property and privacy or because it would land them all in trouble .
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