Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [noun pl] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Traditional Campa agriculture is based on garden or chacra plots which are used mainly for the cultivation of manioc , although plantains , bananas , sweet potatoes and beans are also grown on a smaller scale .
2 So if we are eating , for instance , a slice of calorie-crammed quiche surrounded by salad vegetable concoctions oozing with oily or mayonnaisey dressings we are still eating a salad , are n't we , so that ca n't be very fattening , can it ?
3 Reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that the investor understands the purpose of the call ( which must not be disguised ) and the kind of investments or investment services which are to be discussed .
4 The front end receiving amplifiers were once elaborate parametric or maser types which were cooled to very low temperatures ( to reduce noise ) by elaborate cryogenic refrigeration systems .
5 But local department stores or specialist shops which were not part of a chain were used less by credit buyers than cash buyers , whereas fuel board showrooms were used more .
6 It stated further that " censorship of mass information is not permitted " , but listed a number of publishing or broadcasting activities which were proscribed , including disclosure of state secrets , calls for the violent overthrow of the state and social system , expression of racial or religious intolerance , pornography and incitement to commit criminal acts .
7 It was widely felt that Théodore , a bitter critic of Aristide who wished severely to restrict his future powers , was not guaranteed to be acceptable to the army or business sectors which were not expected easily to drop their opposition to Aristide 's return .
8 Immediately the police officer/anthropologist sets out to undertake research or record fieldnotes he is forced to confront a moral dilemma .
9 There are various meditation or relaxation techniques which are admirable in counteracting the effects of stress and in releasing unwanted feelings ( see Preventing unwanted feelings on page 138 ) .
10 On retirement from the Army & Navy Stores I was appointed managing director of Hatchards , Piccadilly , and Miss Riley came as my secretary and continued there in a full or part time capacity for many years .
11 Whether it is clients or advice workers who are resistant , the stumbling block will need to be explored in order to further convincing social policy work .
12 These may have foyers , halls or exhibition areas which are available for artists sometimes at very modest rates .
13 Firstly , as we have already explained , even after allowing for differences in the mix of offender or offence types there is considerable variation in the use of custody on the part of both magistrates courts and Crown Courts in different parts of the country .
14 Trait theories stress the personality of the leader above all other factors — leadership requires a range of inherited characteristics or personality traits which are given priority over the job nature and demands of the job itself .
15 Following the Oxford Dictionary , which is here a more lucid guide than my more abstruse colleagues , we can say that a symbol signifies something other than or complementary to itself ; it can therefore be used to represent , express , or image things which are external to it but to which it is linked in an appropriate fashion .
16 Eventual breakdown of the bond between the mortar and the brickwork introduces an open joint which draws in moisture down the back of the small lead or zinc soakers which are incorporated to drain from the roof edge any moisture that penetrated the mortar ( Fig 36 ) .
17 It is n't only the novelty Three Wise Men or Snowflake designs which are selling : ‘ Many women are looking for a luxury buy to finish off a party outfit and the opaque hold-ups by Italian designer Paulo Cavali are best sellers , ’ says Heather .
18 In order to collect information about the dementia sufferer 's informal or family carers it was decided to interview them in depth , using a semi-structured questionnaire ( see Appendix I ) .
19 There are two basic designs , and if you are troubled by hand or wrist ailments it is probably best to opt for the sliding type of catch which can be operated by your thumb .
20 You mean that drama students who are graduating from training should have the chance to join Equity ?
21 Hence character combinations that form words are considered to be more probable than character combinations which are not words .
22 Other people , such as the author of a book , do not have the right to do more than offer suggestions which are a few among the thousands possible .
23 In the 1960s a series of papers suggested that dementia sufferers who were " misplaced " in the wrong type of facility might have a poorer outcome .
24 The High Court has rules that life prisoners who are sent to mental hospitals are still serving their sentences and can count the time they serve in hospital towards their parole .
25 Farm animals which are kept in bare pens are generally worse off than farm animals which are kept in pens with straw , both because straw can be used as bedding and because straw is a material which the animal can manipulate .
26 ‘ Livens up the old hormones — better than monkey glands it is . ’
27 Key Mafia figures arrested independently of the operation in September were Giuseppe Madonia , the Sicilian Mafia 's second in command , on Sept. 6 ; Pasquale , Paolo and Gaspare Cuntrera , powerful Sicilian Mafia " bankers " and drug traffickers who were extradited from Venezuela on Sept.11 after years of delays ; Carmine Alfieri , the Camorra chief described as Italy 's major gangster , on Sept. 11 ; and Domenico Libri , the supposed head of the Calabrian Mafia or N'Drangheta , in Marseille on Sept.16 .
28 The square ahead , Piazza Verziere , commemorates one of the city 's best fruit and vegetable markets which was held here in the nineteenth-century .
29 With Chinese wages still roughly one-seventh of those in the colony , so many companies have shifted production across the border that at least two million Chinese workers — twice the size of Hong Kong 's manufacturing workforce — are employed in Guangdong , processing goods for the textile , toy and electronics firms which are the backbone of Hong Kong 's industrial sector .
30 Whereas in art and design the CNAA was negotiating with an established , parallel validating body and with institutions operating courses accepted as being of degree standard , in the creative and performing arts it was moving further into complicated and confused territory .
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