Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [vb mod] [adj] be " in BNC.

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1 Before a screening test is introduced into practice the efficacy of the test in detecting disease and the effectiveness of early intervention in preventing death or disability must first be quantified .
2 But the court went on to urge the adoption , perhaps by the United States Supreme Court which was about to consider the matter in the Aérospatiale case , of a principle that resort should first be had to the Convention procedures in every foreign discovery case unless their use appeared futile from the outset .
3 Intuition suggests that communication should first be on a personal level and then on a business level because context is so important in communication , but much depends on personal style .
4 Brazil 's Environment Secretary , Flavio Perri , has announced that the government intends to open up the Amazon to economic exploitation in a " sustainable , nondestructive way " and that cattle-raising , mining and agriculture would all be considered .
5 Touch , hearing , taste , and smell can all be in addition ( consider how a chef , carpenter , piano-tuner , tea-taster , or perfumier work , for instance ) .
6 In the sales negotiation , seller and buyer will each be expecting to conclude a deal which is favourable to themselves .
7 Guide , teacher and saint can all be representatives of the ‘ Lady of Light ’ .
8 Problems such as migraine , high blood pressure , arthritis , kidney stones , premenstrual syndrome , eczema , insomnia and anxiety can all be caused by an unbalanced diet .
9 Medical and legal expenses , public liability and cancellation should all be included at as high a level as possible .
10 An interchange of ideas , skill-sharing and instruction could all be involved .
11 Social functioning , speech , language , learning , and behaviour may all be affected .
12 Three of Zeneca 's new products come close to meeting the blockbuster criteria : Casodex , Accolate and Merrem could all be approved for use by 1996 .
13 The local topography , soil types , relative areas of upland and lowland will all be important considerations , but ultimately the ability of a community to feed itself will be the deciding factor ; in a subsistence economy , at any period , land will be used to the best advantage .
14 For example , onions , bananas , trout and cauliflower can all be cooked in the same chamber without taste transfer .
15 Pure cotton plain dye table linens , garden furniture , selected clothing and toys , sports equipment and confectionery will all be half price .
16 Flour and mincemeat should all be round here .
17 Scrubbing , and classifying ; air , gravity and magnetic separation ; flotation and flocculation can all be brought to bear on a sample to reduce it to a number of fractions .
18 Horse-riding , windsurfing and water-skiing can all be arranged locally .
19 To till properly , you must know a great deal about every bit of your land — you will find variations between different parts of even one small field — soil texture , structure , acidity , drainage , and history must all be considered ; as must the significance of the life within the soil and its relationship to fertility .
20 If immediate intravenous access can not be achieved , adrenaline , lignocaine , and atropine can all be administered endotracheally .
21 His uncle , sister , and brother can all be described as nationalists and although Ho seems to have been attracted at one point to the China of the 1911 Revolution , he chose instead to make his way to France where , having led an intellectually enriched but materially impoverished existence in Paris , he achieved some fame , or notoriety , among his fellow expatriates by attempting to present a list of Vietnamese grievances to Woodrow Wilson and the European statesmen who had gathered in 1919 at Versailles .
22 Music , verse , diet , and scent could all be used .
23 The money would come from Government funds provided under the City Challenge initiative , but permission must first be granted by the Department of the Environment .
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