Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [vb pp] by [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 A further reason that may be advanced for insisting that police interference of whatever kind must be legally justified is that it is an understandable human reaction to respond with some indignation to an allegation or suspicion believed by its object to be unjustified .
2 In fact , when he does eventually get out of gaol I intend to make sure he never again sets foot on any boat or property owned by my companies . ’
3 C informed of rights — said he did not have or want a solicitor — did not know that solicitor instructed by his family had enquired about him — whether subsequent confession should be excluded under PACE , s. 78
4 But there was no military tradition in the family , and despite the fame and glory won by his sons , they were still dwarfed by their father , Sam .
5 Specially welcome was the much greater interest and support shown by our many STUDENTS .
6 The first was the news from Cambridge : the samples of blood and hair collected by his long-suffering team were confirmed as a match to the dead girl 's .
7 Even Dorothea Shottery had the comfort of a home and money left by her husband , even Dorothea who has contributed nothing to life , has a married name and her freedom .
8 Once the instruction is given , you will be impressed by the speed and enthusiasm shown by our sales staff who are so vital to the success of Adkin .
9 Family relationships were also felt to suffer , with l6 carers specifically mentioning the friction and tension caused by their caring role .
10 But the melancholy and isolation conveyed by his pose is also suggestive of a person beyond reach .
11 In church affairs Edward followed a traditional line with a vigour and resourcefulness dictated by his legal and martial preoccupations , not by any concern to alter the balance of church-state relations .
12 They stood aside and let us pass , though we heard the sniggers and laughter caused by their little jokes .
13 She visited her rural community after two years ' absence and was impressed by the degree of collective organization and determination shown by her community .
14 The waste and boredom typified by my early schooldays are what liberal educationalists have aimed to eradicate .
15 These chose to live a life of poverty and charity supported by their own manual labours and loosely affiliated to local religious houses , from whom they might receive spiritual guidance , and to whom they gave the proceeds of their work .
16 It did not , however , wipe out the waste of time and effort caused by her foolish decision to lie .
17 Our Bills are all of a part with those objectives praised by my hon. Friends the Members for Elmet ( Mr. Batiste ) and for Saffron Walden ( Mr. Haselhurst ) — the drive to get better standards back into our education system , to increase yet further the participation of our young people , and to match the quality of education and training provided by our competitors abroad .
18 ‘ Your reflections , ’ Hope cried out to the apparently enraptured merchant , ‘ set off my own — as do all the most acute thoughts , scattering from the hand like seeds , each of which can take on a life of its own , and I confess that I became absorbed in those great matters of morality and commerce raised by your eloquent conversation . ’
19 Given the power of its engine , and the traction and road-holding afforded by its four-wheel drive system , the Solo should prove exceptionally fast on anyroad .
20 This week a tender shot of JANICE and family captured by our own Kevin Cummins .
21 In his later years , he was also to suffer from persistent bronchial trouble and emphysema exacerbated by his smoking .
22 A visit here offers an experience of the tranquillity and wellbeing enjoyed by its former occupants .
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