Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , social workers can help ensure that where provision is available for protecting someone 's rights in the justice system , ( for example , appropriate adult provision ) the need for it is recognised and met .
2 As a precis this is pretentious , and The Cook & Co is full of the hyperbole and complicated allusions that identify a Greenaway work — The Draughtsman 's Contract , Drowning By Numbers , for example — but in the darkness of the cinema the film has a stomach-churning directness .
3 Where , however , the loss or damage is due to any of the three matters stipulated in s.2(3) ( a ) , ( b ) , or ( c ) , the innkeeper loses protection and is liable to the guest for the full extent of the loss .
4 As my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) said this afternoon , any passenger who encourages and any driver who recklessly drives causing injury or damage is guilty of reckless driving , which was renamed dangerous driving in the Road Traffic Act 1991 and is liable to two years imprisonment .
5 The amount of compensation payable may be reduced by reason of the fault of the plaintiff , ‘ but only if , and to the extent that , the causing of that injury or damage is attributable to the act of [ the plaintiff ] committed with the intention of causing harm to his person or property or with reckless disregard for the consequences of his act . ’
6 Indeed part of the attraction of the picture of the world abolitionists presented , that is , a contribution to the success of their appeal , was that their world-view or ideology was capable of accommodating differences of emphasis and expression while recognisably having the same basic shape .
7 Instead the government called for each council to appoint an officer responsible for reviewing the propriety and legality of council business who would be under statutory duty to report if an action or decision was likely to be improper or unlawful .
8 Any 8-bit microprocessor will work , since no multiplication or division is necessary in the software , although it would be of advantage to use a 16-bit device to do the scaling of signals internally .
9 The gateway to the hospital bed is largely controlled by doctors and therefore their absence or presence is fundamental to this issue .
10 A court is likely to take the availability of insurance into account in assessing the reasonableness of any exclusion or limitation of liability ; where liability is subject to a financial limit , the court is expressly directed to have regard to the availability of insurance ( UCTA 1977 , s11(4) ( b ) ) .
11 A pink milk pudding or blancmange is simple in the sense that , if we slice it in two , the two portions will have the same internal constitution : a blancmange is homogeneous .
12 ‘ I ca n't possibly allow myself to be happy now , because I had an affair/caused a car crash/stole some money/had sex with my brother or sister/ was cruel to my dog/betrayed my best friend — five , ten or twenty years ago .
13 Where a matter or action is pending in the court the district judge may order that a party may inspect and make a copy of any document referred to on the Land Register ( s 112(3) of the Land Registration Act ( as amended ) and r 8 of the Land Registration ( Open Register ) Rules 1990 ( SI No 13625 of 1990 ) ) .
14 As we noted in the last chapter , to say that a decision or action is subject to judicial review is to say that it can be challenged on the basis of the rules and principles of public law which define the grounds of judicial review .
15 Sociologists have absolutely no way of telling whether any supernatural ( or sub-natural ) Person or force was responsible for the conversion .
16 Bulbs such as scilla or erythronium are ideal for naturalising in such an environment .
17 The exhibition or supply of any film , video or sound recording or any other publication shall be prohibited by law if the manner in which it depicts or describes violence or sexual activity or crime is such as , when taken as a whole , to encourage the imitation or toleration of behaviour which is seriously harmful to society by a significant proportion of those who are likely , having regard to all the relevant circumstances , to read , see , or hear the matter contained or embodied in it .
18 For instance , any award for an idea by an employee relating to their own job or department is liable for tax as the Inland Revenue rule that this is part of an employee 's job specification .
19 Some measure of skill or practice is desirable in each partner to adjust their performance to each other 's situation .
20 At that time Ulthuan was rent asunder with confusion and treachery , and any messenger or scout was liable to be set upon and slain by the many factions roaming the land .
21 The radicalism of the young people in his office consists in this : that they want to create an ideal world flowing with milk and honey , where man is brother to man , and lives in harmony with nature ; where ice is warm to the touch , and no ocean is too wide for a child to wade across , bucket and spade in hand .
22 Topically active corticosteroids , with reduced systemic bioavailability , should have fewer side effects , and there is evidence that enema preparations of corticosteroid drugs with metabolism in gut wall or liver are effective in distal colitis .
23 First , medical treatment other than symptom control or management is uncalled-for as a matter of law and , indeed , is inappropriate ; not only is it unethical conduct , but the doctor could also be subject to legal sanction .
24 Instances can be cited where this appears not to be the case : where prominence is due to other than literary considerations .
25 the Chairman may withhold consent to publication or disclosure where it can be demonstrated that publication or disclosure is contrary to the commercial interest of any of the Parties provided that ins such cases
26 The latter is more likely to seek work in such areas as intensive care or renal dialysis where equipment is likely to be intricate and of vital importance , rather than in those areas requiring mainly basic physical care of the patient .
27 claims for personal injury arising out of complaints of indecent assault or rape were subject to the six year limitation period as set out in section 2 of the limitations act 1980 running from the date when the cause of action accrued .
28 His friend David Lodge has explored the same theme in farcical vein in Changing Places ( 1975 ) , Small World ( 1984 ) and Nice Work ( 1988 ) , where farce is sophisticated by literary allusion and softened by the hint that humane values , however easily forgotten in the contest of fashion and the struggle for careers , may yet be of intrinsic worth .
29 I was not allowed to request X-rays without a registrar or consultant being present in the A&E department .
30 Unlike a ridge like the Aonach Eagach where escape is impossible until the end , it is not only feasible , but very tempting to come off the ridge and wander into the wild land of the Glenquoich forest that appears so inviting from the tops .
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