Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] could " in BNC.

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1 It would to find altruism in the way we could find but social cooperation or self-sacrifice or altruism could evolve by natural selection .
2 To disclose whether or not a warrant has been issued in a particular case could establish means whereby those involved in serious crimes or espionage or subversion could learn the extent to which their activities had come to notice or — perhaps more damaging — could in some cases confirm whether their activities had come to notice at all .
3 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
4 The letters , they showed a progress through that summer , marking the enchanted moments , the highlights , where pride and vanity could not now be separated from notions of love .
5 Data in each of these cases were sought by the central administration of the dominating power for taxation purposes , among other considerations , so that money and tribute could be more effectively extracted , and the rewards to loyal service allocated .
6 The White Paper was worrying in its apparent assumption that user and carer could be treated as a single unit .
7 When he was asked his philosophy , this man said that freedom and release could only come when you saw a muddy ditch as being the same as the beautiful Ganges .
8 In January 1990 the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore issued a statement expressing major reservations about the proposed legislation and insisting that religion and politics could not be unambiguously separated .
9 Thus it can be shown that religion and god-worship could have come to man , more or less inevitably , as a product of the very nature of his evolution .
10 The professionalized academic critic wanted to forget that there had been a time when criticism was part of literature ; and the belief that criticism or theory could be literature in themselves was perhaps part of the process of exorcizing other values and attitudes .
11 The Scottish poet Hugh MacDiarmid , who was expelled from the British Communist Party for his nationalism and from the Scottish Nationalist Party for his communism , thought that economics and nationalism could not be separated .
12 Mr Major took a gamble by playing the Unionist card and warning that devolution and nationalism could lead to the break-up of the UK .
13 No mention of the Holy Spirit , you notice : merely a foreshadowing of the role of the disciples in being witnesses to the Messiah who had to suffer and rise from the dead so that repentance and forgiveness could be preached to the nations , beginning from Jerusalem ( Luke 24:46f ) .
14 But how could we believe that health and education could be the main players in achieving these targets ?
15 Were it to be that Christian orthodoxy were that a man , Jesus of Nazareth , was God ( or we may say ‘ a god ’ ) , then there would be no hope that Christianity and feminism could be reconciled .
16 Several firms , in both food processing and engineering , felt that productivity and competitiveness could be enhanced if they could guarantee security of employment to what they regarded as their " core " staff .
17 Contrasted in this way it seems improbable that madness and creativity could spring from the same source .
18 The project could not be an emergency service , because it tried to recruit workers after obtaining a client , rather than beforehand , so that client and worker could be matched .
19 My happiness and progress and education could depend on my own activity — as long as it was the right activity at the right time .
20 Thus , for example , biology or food science could represent science , and geography or history could represent social studies .
21 If crime and deviance could be shown to be vitally necessary then this would be a serious blow indeed to the correctionalist stance — of both positivists and classicists .
22 It was our delight to dash those proud faces to the ground , to smite them with the sword and savage them with the axe , as if blood and agony could follow from every blow .
23 Cell migration and proliferation and angiogenesis could all contribute to the ulcer healing activity of bFGF .
24 ‘ I do n't want one , ’ Breeze said stoutly , though she doubted if bread and cheese could fill the void within .
25 Since grievous bodily harm can be committed by an omission it would be strange if assault and battery could not be .
26 The Controller had countered by pointing out that the loss of the street trade alone in the Manhattan area , until control and distribution could be re-established , would cost them millions in lost revenue .
27 And if reason and experience could not settle so basic a question as this , how much less could they be relied upon to arbitrate on matters of faith ?
28 Tramps were slow , footloose and irregular ; liner services emphasized speed and regularity and delay could be ruinous , especially where government subsidies depended on the fulfilment of contracts to transport mail .
29 Thus , language and literature , medicine and physiology , and botany and agriculture could conveniently be placed close to each other .
30 However , if justice and peace could be secured by this House passing ritual condemnations , Northern Ireland would be the most pacific province in Europe .
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