Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Rather like the children we were discussing earlier in this chapter it is possible to meet elderly people who have achieved a serenity of understanding and/or faith that supports them utterly as they develop the skill of coming towards the end of their life .
2 This form of aggression , if not leading to an outright kill , can easily stress the attacked coral or anemone and cause them to bleach and eventually die .
3 Far better to catch the parent in the playground or corridor and ask them to spare five minutes when it 's convenient just to pop in to have a quiet little chat .
4 They employ us to carry out this work , to negotiate on their behalf with the combined forces of the Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise and to advise them on a multitude of matters from advertising costs to wage negotiations .
5 In cases of mild illness , such as coughs and colds , often all you can do is let children rest and give them over-the-counter medication to relieve pain or fever and help them to sleep .
6 All I had to do was to train chicks on either methylanthranilate or water and hand them over to Roger , who would disappear into the neurophysiology lab with them and emerge many hours later with reams of paper which he would begin to analyse .
7 Or stencil or lacquer them .
8 Loyalist protesters have shouted ‘ SS-RUC ’ and ‘ Dublin 's lap dogs ’ , whilst some elected MPs have exhorted RUC men to resign or mutiny and warned them of the possible consequences of their ‘ disloyalty ’ ( ibid . ) .
9 They wo n't Brenda because if they did I would be opening the window or door and telling them exactly their fortune .
10 It could indeed be argued that if adequate counselling is not provided some of these patients might then turn to potentially more dangerous drugs such as aspirin or paracetamol and use them in overdoses .
11 He has also pointed to the way in which metaphor joins dissimilar experiences by finding a symbol or image that unites them at a deeper level of meaning ( ibid , p. 63 ) .
12 Make rows 23cm/9in apart with a stick or hoe and plant them about 10cm/4in apart with the tips just out of the soil .
13 Some theories may be such that behaviour that follows them is also neutral as a by-product .
14 For Clarke , football hooliganism developed at the intersection of these trends : the fans have now taken the traditional values of toughness , masculinity , local identity , collective action and partisanship and made them part of the game 's new , more spectacularised style .
15 By the reign of Richard I the industry was so important to the nation that the ‘ Stannary ’ towns ( from the Latin stannum for tin ) received their own charter , awarding them their own courts and parliament and exempting them from ordinary taxes .
16 She folded his discarded jeans and shirt and stowed them in a locker , then turned his sleeping-bag inside out and shook it .
17 In concerning ourselves with the needs of pupils , we may too long have ignored the need to give our teachers services and support and help them to feel adequate to cope with the demands that education in the modern world is making upon them .
18 Our main purpose in life is to make people aware of the problem , to make them think of their own vulnerability and responsibility and make them act in a safe and sensible way .
19 The juvenile courts also had powers to place children in care , and the former children 's departments had to receive children in need of care and protection and find them substitute homes .
20 They must be a priority target group , so we can prevent exploitation and discrimination and provide them with adequate training in health and safety and other matters .
21 Personal computers for management use is a major area of Apple usage , where planning , analysing , managing and assistance with decision evaluation have made the micro a versatile and powerful tool for managers of all descriptions , saving time and money and helping them to be far more effective in their jobs .
22 She responded with a round-robin letter to all her employees , thanking them for their contributions and enthusiasm and reassuring them how highly she thought of them all .
23 Did you not yourself say that our love must be holy ? ’ or when she pointed out that his ‘ lovely poems ’ would have been less lovely if she had not pro vided ‘ the unrest and storm that made them possible ’ : ‘ Beloved I will pray with my whole strength that suffering and temptation may be taken from you as they have been taken from me and that we may gain spiritual union stronger than earthly union could ever be . ’
24 We ought not to admire them when they put up their fists and fight nor mock them when they are afraid and tell them they must be a man .
25 Then it may be able to grasp the nettles of boundaries and ethos and see them as secondary .
26 The Cheshires enjoyed no such luxury and had to control the anger and revulsion that engulfed them as they experienced the horror for real .
27 In the bedroom she took off her blouse and skirt and hung them carefully in the wardrobe .
28 Cornelius retrieved both letter and card and set them down before him .
29 Using genuine folk instruments such as armadillo charangos , pan pipes and caja and playing them splendidly , the group built their programme around the Bolivian seasons and the ritual divisions of the year .
30 Consequently , executives investigate alternative means , including law avoidance , evasion , and violation and pursue them if they are evaluated as superior to other available strictly legitimate alternatives .
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