Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Gardeners get round these problems by using alternative means of propagation , all of them known as vegetative methods because of they involve taking some living fragment of a plant and inducing it to develop roots , so producing a new plant identical to the patent or part from which it was taken .
2 There 's certainly no way we can shorten it and in fact erm s programme timing is very dependent on the ease or difficulty with which we actually get the land .
3 Problems with a terminal or page printer would be considered a lower level problem than a problem with the disk units or processor for which we have no spares .
4 Pupils will be required to make good any damage or loss for which they are responsible .
5 In England , for example , a brewer is disqualified from acting as a licensing justice only in the county or borough in which he is a brewer .
6 He liked to boast that , in central London , he was never more than a couple of hundred yards from some club , institution or association of which he was a member and which could provide , at the very least , a roof in a rainstorm .
7 The difference between mental health and mental ill-health is not in whether or not defences are used but in the flexibility or rigidity with which they are employed and in the mix between them , as opposed to the over-use of one defence rather than others .
8 Devotees of Pevsner know , on opening a volume of The Buildings of England , to look for the section headed ‘ Perambulation ’ for whichever town or village in which they happen to find themselves .
9 The law defines conservation areas as ‘ areas of special architectural or historic interest , the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance ’ .
10 Many press releases are poorly written , irrelevant to the newspaper or journal to which they have been sent , often are mailed to the wrong person on a publication , and are incredibly boring .
11 Alternatively , an individual may be significantly restricted as to the condition , manner or duration under which they can perform a major life activity as compared to an average person .
12 ‘ If a creditor has actual or constructive notice , at the time of the execution of the charge or guarantee in question , that the guarantee or charge on which it relies has been procured by the exercise of undue influence , it can not enforce the transaction ; an equity is raised against the creditor irrespective of any question of agency …
13 ‘ If a creditor has actual or constructive notice , at the time of the execution of the charge or guarantee in question , that the guarantee or charge on which it relies has been procured by the exercise of undue influence , it can not enforce the transaction ; an equity is raised against the creditor irrespective of any question of agency .
14 The radio , TV or other source of sound should be stood on a thick felt or cork pad to help prevent the vibrations getting into the structure through the table or shelf on which it resides .
15 Some of Hyam 's most impressive passages describe male bisexuality : in many of the cultures which the British conquered or governed , sexual relations between men carried none of the odium or guilt to which they were subject in the United Kingdom ( particularly from the 1890s ) , and he has unearthed much evidence of cheerful , matter-of-fact but discreetly conducted sexual relations between British men overseas .
16 What was intriguing was that after the gentleman in question had filled in his first , second and third name there was room on the form , if he felt so inclined , to tell us the ‘ forename or nickname by which you are popularly known ’ .
17 The scope or character of a piece of criticism is naturally related to the magazine or newspaper in which it appears , as we noticed in the case of Dore Ashton 's dismissal from the New York Times because it was asserted that her work could not be understood by the paper 's readers .
18 There is no one way of looking at a sculpture by Leinberger and similarly there is no one angle or distance from which we see it anything like whole , but there is something like a normal sequence of approach .
19 This occurs when a student learns a word ( ie becomes acquainted with it ) in a rewarding situation while he either hears the native language word or is confronted with the object or event to which it refers .
20 Their family size is plotted on the graph at the year when they were aged 27 — the generation length , or age at which they gave birth to their median child .
21 This helped to deal a crippling blow to the preformationist theory , which argued that all parts of a living organism are already formed in miniature in the seed or egg from which it comes .
22 Children might recognise similarities between the house or flat in which they live and one illustrated in a book or noticed on a visit .
23 If there is any provision contained in these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements of which they form part which causes or would cause these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangement of which they form part to be subject to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 then that provision shall not take effect until the day after particulars of these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements ( as the case may be ) shall have been duly furnished to the Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to that Act .
24 Subject to such disclosure as is required by Section 317 of the Act , a Director may vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he is interested or upon any matter arising out of the same and may be counted in the quorum present at any meeting at which any such contract , arrangement or matter is proposed or considered and if he shall so vote his vote shall be counted .
25 Subject to such disclosure as is required by Section 317 of the Act , a Director may vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he is interested or upon any matter arising out of the same and may be counted in the quorum present at any meeting at which any such contract , arrangement or matter is proposed or considered and if he shall so vote his vote shall be counted .
26 This being a self-acting incline the empty trucks were dragged up by the full ones , the long chain or rope to which they were linked , passing , of course , around the sheaved wheel the stanchions for which are still to be seen .
27 Most of the Independent museums have a Trust or Society through which you can offer your help .
28 The frequency with which the operation is carried out depends upon the plants involved and the compost or soil in which they were originally planted , but its need becomes apparent when the leaves of the plant become yellowish and get progressively smaller , and the blooms are of poor colour and with few petals .
29 True there was no weathered statue in the nave , nor a tomb or altar upon which I lay , but the stones were worn and the building was isolated just as my building was isolated .
30 As noted in chapter 4 , social anthropology has tended to privilege society and social structure as prior phenomena which posses a certain profound reality , and in this tradition patterns located in objects might be held to reflect back to some social division or model from which they derive their source and significance .
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