Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [noun] at [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He was cleared at Bow Street Magistrate Court in January last year because he was not asked whether he would prefer to give a urine or blood sample at Vine Street police station .
2 He 'd lived in thestreet for thirty two years … and worked as a scout or college servant at Trinity College .
3 Plate 1 Oil or wine press at Vathypetro
4 For further details phone Lawson on 0932 570600 or Vim Anand at Ernst and Young on 071-931 1882 .
5 He went to work for the Gas Light & Coke Company at Beckton in 1908 but he soon chafed at not being given the free rein to which he had become accustomed at Davis Bros .
6 And he has a small ticket business , you know , last-minute box at the opera or hospitality suites at Wembley for a Springsteen concert , or Centre Court at Wimbledon , that sort of thing .
7 There remains one major difference between the punter 's chances with , say , Cool Ground or Twin Oaks at Aintree and his prospects with Messrs Major , Kinnock or Ashdown .
8 And he has a small ticket business , you know , last-minute box at the opera or hospitality suites at Wembley for a Springsteen concert , or Centre Court at Wimbledon , that sort of thing .
9 He said that licensing justices at Flint , Mold and Hawarden were endeavouring to only grant licences to experienced people and those who had completed various licensing training courses and had passed the British Institute of Inn Keeping examination .
10 There are worrying indications that rugby internationals at Twickenham are no longer the civilised occasions to be found in Edinburgh , Paris , Dublin and Cardiff .
11 I did n't know Basil very much but I shall always remember with joy and gratitude that painting course at Grantly Hall — what fun it was .
12 Terry Shannon also suspects that R&D cutbacks at DEC are threatening its two-year-old effort to produce an architecture-independent version of OpenVMS .
13 Just before midnight the same day , the same crew took Sugar to attack a road and rail target at Argentan , in support of the invading ground forces .
14 THE battle for the coveted Welsh outside-half jersey hots up today when Neil Jenkins and Adrian Davies clash in the showdown between East and West Wales at Cardiff Arms Park .
15 NEIL JENKINS landed a penalty five minutes from time to produce a 21-21 deadlock in the inaugural challenge match between East and West Wales at Cardiff Arms Park .
16 COLM MURPHY looks back to the future as Clandeboye 's golfers prepare for an All-Ireland double assault in the national Cup and Shield finals at Woodbrook next weekend .
17 IN-DEPTH DAY AND AFTERNOON RALLY at Saturday 5 May Rally tickets from ( £3.50 members only ) In-depth applications from ( £3.50 morning only ) ( Whole day to include rally — £6 )
18 McVicar who was involved in riots and rooftop protests at Durham and Chelmsford Jails says the army should have stormed the prison to save sex offenders being picked on by rioters .
19 Finally , we should comment on the relative abundance of ozone and hydrogen peroxide at Cape Grim .
20 Students attend once a week at the Uxbridge campus of Brunel University , supplemented by two residential weekends concentrating on group working and case studies at Henley .
21 SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD Ipswich pole vaulter Rhian Clarke was one of the stars of the Suffolk County AA track and field championships at Ipswich 's Northgate Stadium on Sunday .
22 Princess Beatrice — four years old today and blissfully unaware of all this constitutional fuss — is celebrating with mum and dad and sister Eugenie at Fergie 's rented Surrey home .
23 The cancellation coincides with the closure of Reed 's computer and electronics division at Richmond , Surrey .
24 The gallery , a relatively small space , allowing for the hanging of twelve to fifteen paintings , will be run by Christophe Lázar , who originally came to Colnaghi 's after eight years in private banking at Schroders in New York and investment banking at Credit Suisse First Boston in London .
25 Planning has been taking place on this restructure for some months now with close liaison between RAFM and the Aircraft Salvage and Transportation Flight at Abingdon , who will be responsible for all of the dismantling and moving of the airframes .
26 There are now also dated mosaics from the Gloucester excavations of 1968-1973 ; from the excavations of the North Hill and Middleborough sites at Colchester ( appendix E ) ; and from further excavations in Verulamium , ( for example chose which brought to light the now famous Lion and Stag mosaic : pI .
27 DURHAM have drafted in Ravensworth 's Mark Sewell for his senior county debut against the NE and NW PGA at Whitburn on Sunday week .
28 A new visitor entrance and car park at Hatchlands , near Guildford , will give this season 's visitors fine views of the newly-restored gardens to the west of the house .
29 He devoted his time to the completion of the mansion and pleasure gardens at Alton Towers begun by his uncle , who had made the place his home .
30 Carl Wood , the chairman of the obstetrics and gynaecology department at Monash University , predicts that the freeze-thaw technique will reduce the number of surgical procedures needed to produce a pregnancy .
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