Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [noun] is that " in BNC.

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1 The last observation about dictionaries or word lists is that they may under-represent similarities between different sign languages : for example , the American and British signs for WALK are quite different , but British signers would certainly use a sign resembling the American sign in certain contexts .
2 The difference between Peak and RMS switching is that , with Peak , the compressor monitors the true signal peaks which may be much higher than the average level ; for drums , therefore , Peak makes most sense .
3 However , a particular feature of the provisions on Cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs is that they expressly envisage that certain matters may be transferred to Community competence .
4 The most significant difference at the search and investigation stage is that the national press will retain interest in a case only if there is scope for the construction of a sex fiend who continues to wreak havoc on a community .
5 The kind of norms we are concerned with here are sometimes called community norms in order to distinguish them from the superordinate norms that I have mentioned , and I shall suggest below that a major difference between superordinate and community norms is that , whereas ‘ standard ’ norms are uniform , community norms are sometimes more aptly described as variable norms .
6 One feature of the use of both dependency ratios and population projections is that they concentrate upon expected changes in structures .
7 One clear difference between human and dolphin perception is that because of the ability of sound waves to penetrate objects , the dolphin can listen and ‘ see ’ through things .
8 One difference between perceived-as appearances and presentation appearances is that whereas it does not make sense to talk of being mistaken about the former it does make sense to talk of being mistaken about the latter .
9 The major difference in practice between share ( equity ) and loan capital is that the interest on the latter must always be paid whether the company makes a profit or not .
10 The major difference in practice between share ( equity ) and loan capital is that the interest on the latter must always be paid whether the company makes a profit or not .
11 One fundamental difference between junior and adult fiction is that many ( in certain periods , most ) writers for children feel they must tell their readers what they want them to know or to feel .
12 What makes this pattern of dots different to those that can be produced by a scanner and page printer is that they vary in size .
13 Implicit in the discussion of this data analysis and database approach is that a total system is implemented .
14 Talk of ‘ processes ’ and ‘ states ’ commits us to an inappropriate way of looking at the matter — as though the only difference between understanding understanding and understanding sweating is that in the case of understanding understanding our gaze is directed inwards .
15 Mark Saunders ( BBC Radio ) in a personal review of design requirements for RDS car radios points out that one of the problems that RDS poses for both broadcaster and receiver manufacturer is that , with the exception of obvious features such as the display of the programme service name , an RDS receiver is not apparently different in performance , or looks , when observed in the static environment of the dealer 's showroom .
16 Another important difference between this form of mass-production and unit mass-production is that the former invariably requires a lower labour force than the latter .
17 Another distinction between human and animal behaviour is that considerations of motive are appropriate to the assessment of human action .
18 Currently , one of the rather loosely applied definitive differences between plant and animal life is that plants can be propagated in either of two ways , sexually by means of seed , which involves male and female contributions from different plants or from different parts of the same plant , or asexually ( vegetatively ) by means of cutting and layering , which is analogous to cutting off an arm or a leg and growing an entirely new individual from such a part into a whole new body .
19 The second point to note about the Ellis and Bowerman surveys is that neither was concerned with cases of really outstanding creativity , of the kind that have been the subject of individual biographical analyses .
20 What emerges from our discussion of these different aspects of sentence and discourse comprehension is that only a very complex model will suffice to explain the inter-relation of all the different factors which appear to form a part of language comprehension .
21 THE great advantage of having a former chief secretary to the Treasury as transport secretary is that he knows a thing or two about raising money .
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