Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [det] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 There 's no hope for a breathing space for the business community as far as Mr Humber is concerned : ‘ We will continue to campaign for the registers to include all sources of contamination , ’ he says grimly , ‘ and we will campaign for not just land liable to be contaminated to be included on the register , but then for that to be backed up by actual investigation of those sites and for that to be put on the registers as well . ’
2 It is n't uncommon for a record contract to allow for a royalty increase of I per cent throughout each year of the agreement , and for this to be raised once certain sales figures have been reached ( commonly , this might be for gold and platinum status albums ) .
3 Now unc and for this to be a minimum , its differential with respect to x ( see 1.11 ) must vanish ; i.e. unc which is our original set of Equations ( 2 ) with e = 0 , premultiplied by AT ; it gives m equations for the m unknowns .
4 I would be pleased if you could now take on board the extension of formal smoking at work restrictions as applied at Regional Headquarters and Regional Chambers to apply to Chesser House and for this to be formally agreed by the Council .
5 To sum up , it seems logical to prevent rather than cure but of course prevention as well as being a politicoeconomic consideration , demands knowledge and self-discipline , and for these to be applied , individuals must develop an understanding of the nature and purpose of maintaining a safe environment .
6 We might reasonably expect them to want to store non-ephemeral documents for future administrative purposes and for these to be identified according to predefined index terms .
7 Erm there is then a case for that policy to be covered in the structure plan and of course in local plans and at the local plan stage there is an opportunity for councils to er interpret the structure plan policy to add er exceptions if they so wish and for those to be tested at a local plan enquiry .
8 But for these to be achieved , a substantial proportion of offending corporations must first be caught .
9 But for this to be achieved there are problems which must be overcome .
10 Russia 's one advantage was numerical superiority , but for this to be effective Rennenkampf 's and Samsonov 's armies needed to unite .
11 But for this to be achieved , workers ' personal feelings — and the myths and stereotypes which surround gay and lesbian sexuality — have to be openly expressed for guidance and training to be targeted effectively .
12 But for this to be achieved , the government must acknowledge it as a problem worth solving .
13 The only other possibility was a large-scale uprising in the eastern area of the Province , while the Roman army was concentrated on the western frontier , but for this to be effective in diverting the Roman plans , timing was of vital importance .
14 But for this to be productive , and a new , better , more genuinely ‘ global ’ understanding of mental health to emerge , Western culture and psychiatry simply have to come to terms with their own racism .
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