Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On this view high fertility is economically irrational , or at least is made so by the new circumstances .
2 If the interpretation of democracy argued for in this book is correct , or at least is found persuasive by its readers , then it should be clear that its principal practical implication is that democracy is still " unfinished business " on the agenda of modern politics .
3 Walmsley points out that most of the increase involved the conviction of persons aged over 21 whose partners in the offence were also aged 21 or over ( the offence generally occurring , or at least being detected , in public conveniences ) .
4 These organisations have to give — or at least be seen to give — the same advice to all their members , regardless of politics .
5 He may have believed , and was encouraged to think , that the Communist party would win the coming election in France and form , or at least be made part of , a new government ; and the Russian advice seems to have been to hold on and to wait for ‘ democratic France ’ and its ‘ progressive forces ’ to support the cause of colonial liberation .
6 It will lead to renewed demands that the judge should fix the amount of damages if a jury has decided that defamation has been proved or at least be given power to lay down minimum and maximum limits for juries .
7 At least , in those extraordinary days between Hiroshima and the declaration of Vietnamese independence , hardly anyone , except the French garrison who were still imprisoned , first by the Japanese and then by the Vietminh , could be found to contradict this assumption of power and by the time it took place , or at least was claimed , another thread in the French connection had been broken .
8 Finally , before leaving the harmful insects , mention must be made of horrid little blighters that for long were regarded as exceptions to the normal methods of control .
9 It was rivalry that tamed a continent , harnessing the resources of harsh environments and creating an economy that before long was to give the United States the industrial leadership of the world .
10 The hall was bigger than the Cromarty Hall in the village ; it could accommodate more local people and more of the television cameras that by now were multiplying daily , along with their crews , reporters , producers , and the army of newspaper journalists and feature writers that by this time had gathered in Orkney .
11 Pictured at Ipswich Airport on October 2 , the following day the aircraft was dismantled and loaded onto a low loader for transportation to Felixstowe Docks and from there was shipped to its new owners in New Zealand .
12 Astropaths and defence officers were forever on duty in the librarium ; and within too were stored the original codices of the chapter 's ten thousand year heritage .
13 Longhorns are the world 's oldest ‘ improved ’ breed , having been subject to the attentions of Robert Bakewell of Leicestershire more than 200 years ago , and until recently were listed with the Rare Breeds Survival Trust with only a few hobby farmer enthusiasts .
14 Diatoms of diameter greater than 35 um are a prominent component of phytoplankton at either end of the earth , and until recently were thought to provide most of the primary production .
15 She transplanted it and before long was harvesting the world 's first crop of green apples , soon to be famous all over the world .
16 Erm so , so really what er although when you came to summarize the needs I 've actually put good but too technical because we all knew what you were getting at but erm but to actually be doing that but not know at what point he needs to stop at or wants to stop it , you did n't know erm the pension that he wanted and you did n't know at what age he wanted to retire at that point you know , you , you had n't got any of those facts from him , you know
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