Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The law section three of the criminal law act nineteen sixty seven reads a person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large .
2 A chalk stream , for example , may flow at a virtually constant level summer and winter , while flash floods may occur miles from a water course or in hollows well above the water table .
3 Although still in pristine condition , some of these clothes have been on hangers or in drawers here since just after the war .
4 This theory of scientific development has been contested ; others have pointed to more incremental patterns , or to cases especially in the social sciences where paradigms do not displace each other but simply accumulate as alternative perspectives .
5 Scratching the bottom transfers eggs to fingers and from there back to the mouth , or to others either by direct contact or via food , bedlinen etc .
6 On the face of it these trivial little improvements , or plus points ahead of the norm look to be insignificant .
7 However , we believe that for children not to be taught anything about language is seriously to their disadvantage .
8 That would lead to a situation where more assistance passes between women than between men even in situations where their ‘ needs ’ are more similar than in the examples I quoted above .
9 These developments , however , have been largely concerned with children or adults with disabilities , rather than with children already in ordinary schools .
10 Unlike many of its southern competitors Bell Lawrie , which is very much an Edinburgh stockbroker , albeit with clients all over the country , ensured that the institutional money only represented 25 per cent of its equity — the money coming from the Bank of Scotland , Ivory & sime and Edinburgh Investment Trust .
11 Beyond the relationship between parents-in-law and children-in-law , there is little evidence of support , except in cases where for individual and idiosyncratic reasons people happen to form a good relationship , say with a sister-in-law .
12 The full extent of his generosity to museums and galleries ( leaving that to individuals out of account ) is known only to those who have , or had , charge of them .
13 The intimacy of the enforcement relationship is a characteristic of compliance systems where the control of a distinct population of potential violators is directed to ‘ organizations or persons in organized activities [ rather ] than to individuals apart from them ’ ( Reiss , 1980:31 ) .
14 Much better as women to put our energies elsewhere and to think in terms of guerilla action — to redistribute resources to women wherever possible ; to asset-strip men 's buildings of their space and facilities and resources on behalf of women ; to expose male hypocrisy , corruption and oppression wherever it appears ; to reserve loyalty for principles and for women not for institutions ; and to concentrate on the subversion of men 's ideas about themselves and about women by behaving badly and with irreverence to their rules .
15 We 're all aware that for th for their number patients with superficial bladder cancer provide an enormous amount of our workload , and for reasons partly of husbanding our precious resources and also because lots of these patients come up with negative checks reducing the amount of irritation and upset to them it would be useful if we could do less than we do .
16 Fine Art Developments also failed to rally and after interims ahead from £4.5m to £4.95m , the price slipped 9p to 465p .
17 But as you know the Save The Children is just one development organisation and with limited resources , so a major part of our task is to use our influence and authority to press for change on a wider scale by keeping the issues of poverty and inequality and of children firmly on the international agenda .
18 Arrangements are possible in appropriate cases for joint supervision with otherdepartments in the Faculty of Divinity and with departments elsewhere in the University concerned with non-Western cultures .
19 ( Roughly , this involves averaging the usual periodogram in log-log space , giving unbiased independent estimates of known variance , and with distributions close to gaussian . )
20 The villa was run to support everyone who lived there , but as well as this , surplus products , especially wool and grain , were traded with other parts of Britain and with provinces all over the Roman Empire .
21 The promotions brought valuable publicity on radio stations and in newspapers all over the UK , and have led to an increase in enquiries about the scheme .
22 So it was that Ms Wainwright found herself manhandling ( if that 's the word ) the seven-by-four polystyrene boards across the frozen Alaskan wastes , often in the teeth of gale force winds and in temperatures down to -40°C .
23 The international nature of the profession means that you can work in many major centres all over the world , and in offices all over the country .
24 Besides , morning worship there were midday sermons and in sessions together with evening worship .
25 This has involved both training at Henley and in centres elsewhere in the World .
26 From 5mm to 19mm thickness and in sizes up to 3650mm long with a maximum developed width of 2130mm .
27 The spicy crisps come in 30g foil packs , around 21p , and in multipacks along with Pizza and Prawn Cocktail flavours , around £1.16 .
28 Colleagues , the time gained by having only one and recruitment and on negotiations rather at least two could be much better utilized than the certain , the day to day needs of membership .
29 The digest was circulated to all staff and to governors together with a questionnaire asking for comments under headings such as : organisation of the curriculum ; aims of faculties/subjects ; core and options in years 4/5 .
30 The facts that they do fearful things to themselves and to others regardless of consequence and that they are unaware of the connection between cause and consequence are the essential psycho-pathological nature of addictive disease and denial .
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