Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [adv] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests a number of avenues which historical and aesthetic research might pursue , or at least it offers a way of organizing and disciplining some intuitions .
2 Or at least it had been ; for with sinking heart he recognized a company of infantry two hundred yards away as French .
3 We used to do it almost as a social thing , a conventional Spanish gesture which for us had a special meaning — or at least it did for me , because I looked upon it as a seal on our friendship .
4 But America does not look like a disorganised company most of whose workers do not have a boss ; or at least it did not the last time it deserved worldwide respect .
5 At first I would not even consider it but it fills her days , or at least it did until you arrived with your friend .
6 When you go to cast a vote in France , your ballot paper has two names on it , the name of the candidate for , or at least it has for each party or for each candidate two names .
7 So it 's really a case of just ensuring that the T G I manual does cover all a , it , it needs to state where it takes over from the procedure and then it needs to ensure that it covers everything from there on about T G I , because erm , just from thinking through some of the other procedures , I mean , it does n't , T G I does n't come into the costing , or at least it 's got it 's own costings .
8 We 've now got a good package which saves us nearly eighty thousand pounds and to actually undo all of that and create an awful lot of public disquiet plus a problem with regard to potential redundancy to particular saving that accommodates this as the absolutely completely inane and except for where it came from , I would be gobsmacked if it came tonight .
9 It is obviously advantageous for an animal to receive more detailed information about where it is going to than about where it has come from , and it is therefore not surprising that as well as the mouth at the front end of the planaria there is a concentration of sense organs , such as light-sensitive eyepits , and to process the information arriving from these sense organs there is a group of ganglia concentrated in the head — forming at last the forerunners of real brains .
10 it 's not pronounced in mine , but , some er they say that with where it 's gone away , you know , there 's all sorts of things that can prove it I mean the obvious thing is we came from somewhere did n't we ? , we did n't just drop here with a flash of light and er they 've studied plants and other animals and they evolved .
11 I think that since then it has been damaging . ’
12 It is based less on where the corporation is at than on where it wants to get .
13 Fortunately , with weight shift , moving forwards causes a nose-up rather than a nose-down effect so that at least it does not accentuate the pitching movement and make the sensation worse .
14 And there 's no comparison between music and rap , but one thing about rap is that at least it does have metre and the words are selectively placed , and the beats to the words are selectively placed , and they have meaning .
15 It was strange now , walking through the same streets , to know that by then it had already happened .
16 The article leads you to wonder about her religious faith , if she has one , and about where it stands in relation to the outlook of the editor of Commentary , author of a book about his ambitions for worldly success : Making it must be the least pious book that has ever been written .
17 The Lord 's Prayer is quoted in the repeated fragment ‘ For Thine is the Kingdom ’ but the earlier uses of the word kingdom , particularly when it has a capital ‘ K ’ , must already have prompted questions about allusion to this fundamental Christian rite , and about how it relates to those ‘ prayers to broken stone ’ .
18 In other words , black kids teach each other about the world and about how it works contrary to their interests .
19 Speaking from the society 's headquarters in Edinburgh , superintendent Ron Grant — a former shepherd — summed the situation up : ‘ It 's been one of the worst winters in the west Highlands for many years and for once it 's not been snow but rather rain which has caused the problems .
20 He leaves the questions of defining what a group is , and of how it acquires the capacity for influencing the mental life of the individual , until later .
21 The analysis of soil erosion includes those with political power and asks embarrassing questions about their own view of the problem , and from where it derived .
22 there was a communicating door in one corner of the room and from behind it came the third movement of the Mozart , which was working itself up to that frantic minor-key Turkish routine which I 've never thought a good enough ending for such a great beginning ; but then that complaint went for just about everything in my life .
23 This creeps across the shelf and down the continental slope , spreading along the sea-bed ; much of it is formed over the shelves of the Weddell and Ross bights , and from there it spreads far northward into the northern hemisphere .
24 This poverty was all the worse for the general affluence around it , and until now it had been little noticed by the majority .
25 This law dates back to the Middle Ages , when it was a means of filling the royal coffers , and until now it has allowed the State ( today the Treasury ) to claim possession of valuable objects whose owners can not be traced .
26 Months later it had arrived in the post and since then it had stood in its velvet frame , beside her mother 's bed .
27 In 1973 the industry came under national control and since then it has expanded from nearly 44 000 ha to more than 70 000 ha and employs more than 22 per cent of the island 's labour force .
28 Its present form dates from the 1920s and since then it has been tested and explored rigorously ( though not without problems ) .
29 Manager Michael Sheridan said , ‘ The Branch became an instant success with customers when it first opened its doors on 28 April 1868 and since then it has continued to build on its reputation . ’
30 The last wolf was shot in west Germany as far back as 1846 and since then it has been registered as extinct .
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