Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun] that had " in BNC.

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1 Out of habit the Brigadier treated everybody as though they were local National Service boys who had grown up in the village and so knew every blade of grass as well as he did but who might be a bit hazy about certain family backgrounds and about things that had happened before their time .
2 It had been a choice between bearing what he had or running back to Aber where he was privileged and protected , and for Harry that had been no choice at all .
3 This belief in ‘ independence ’ is well entrenched in the West and it has developed out of a general mistrust of centralized political power and of power that had historically not tolerated the free expression of dissenting views .
4 During the presentation , two briefcases were crammed full with used dealing books containing clients ' names and addresses , and with leads that had been left carelessly lying around on desks .
5 This is not to say that the emergence of more popularly-orientated styles of activity expressed a displacement of sectarian religious feeling but antislavery none the less did become an important channel for religious feeling which looked to a broader moral enhancement of English society and in turn that had to involve the full-hearted commitment of a myriad of individuals and groups .
6 Uncle Bill had run a car for her on his company while he was alive but of course that had all stopped when he died .
7 The new pattern of variety was an adornment to what Michael Chanan has called ‘ the night-time city ’ , and the whole beauty of the format was that everything took place not in sordid cellars or popular drinking places but in buildings that had much of the appearance and many of the conventions of legitimate theatre .
8 We were disliked because of things that had happened in the past and we did n't need any motivation when we kept hearing that sort of talk .
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