Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere , historical shows — such as those of the sensational photojournalism of Weegee from the Forties and Fifties ( at Janet Borden through 16 January ) or of vintage prints from the Twenties and Thirties by Joseph Breitenbach ( at Hirschl & Adler from 16 January — 13 February ) — are common , and present day work abounds .
2 In 1987 only half of the Progressive Democrats ' 14 TDs were elected on quotas made up of first-preference votes given to them or to party running-mates from whom they were transferred .
3 Diplomatic staff such as herself depended heavily on goods brought in specially by their embassies for their use or on block orders from firms which existed to supply the needs of expatriates .
4 In this , the third issue of Update devoted to general SVQs , we also report back on the seminars held recently for external verifiers and for centre co-ordinators from new piloting centres .
5 Floodlighting was finally allowed for Cup ties from 1955 and for League games from 1956 .
6 Application forms for P&O Group staff and relatives should be obtained from your PERSONAL DEPARTMENT and for P&O Pensioners from .
7 Gas was used in houses and for street lights from the early nineteenth century .
8 Costa Rica and Venezuela issued cautious statements criticising the use of force , and despite phone calls from Mr Bush and the Secretary of State , Mr James Baker , there were signs Brazil and Argentina were preparing critical statements .
9 It was preceded by meetings of the IMF 's Interim Committee and of Finance Ministers from the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) industrialized countries and the Group of 24 ( G-24 ) developing countries .
10 The group reportedly carried out joint operations with members of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland ( NSCN ) and with guerrilla groups from Myanma ( Burma ) .
11 He also experimented with photography , and did significant early work with X-rays from 1896 , and with radio waves from 1897 .
12 The Romans had gained expertise in flood alleviation and in irrigation projects from the Greeks and the Etruscans before them .
13 Similar emergency import bans have been placed on certain Andean textiles from Bolivia , on Moche artifacts found in Peru and on Maya items from the Peten region of Guatemala .
14 These call-slips , as submitted , already contained much of the information required , but for the purposes of the Survey additional information was added to them both by the members of staff to whom they were submitted , and by fieldwork students from the College of Librarianship Wales who physically examined the requested items before their delivery to readers .
15 The appeal was also boosted by suppliers and local traders who donated 41 prizes for a draw and by cash gifts from most of the club 's sub-sections .
16 The Congress of People 's Deputies voted overwhelmingly in favour of renaming the Russian Federation ‘ Russia ’ , but within minutes members from the republics which make up the huge state were demanding restoration of the word ‘ federation ’ .
17 Like the Urban Institute , founded in Washington in 1968 after racial riots across America , it thrived not on private philanthropy but on research contracts from the government .
18 Only one of nine patients with stone recurrence received adjuvant bile acid therapy and treatment was stopped after two weeks in this patient because of side effects from the therapy .
19 Yesterday councillors agreed in principle to the options but gave a preference for the church activities because of traffic problems from the nursery .
20 The Atlantic Agreement called " upon the Seamen of all the world for service … to demonstrate practical appreciation of freedom won " , and the American Shipping Act of 1915 had established for seamen on foreign ships a " a right to quit " while in US ports from March 1916 .
21 And but for goalline clearances from Noel Luke and Bradshaw they would have been even further behind .
22 However , I also linked wealth with being selfish , greedy , materialistic , hard-hearted , snobbish , and dull — as well as with childhood images from the Bible about camels and the eye of a needle !
23 In the months that followed , de Gaulle pressed ahead with his self-determination policy and explored various openings for negotiation with the GPRA , as well as with FLN leaders from inside Algeria .
24 So eager were the Highlanders to be in action that they charged forward prematurely , to be swept by further fire from the hated artillery as well as by musket shots from the opposing infantry and from a detachment under the 18-year-old [ later Major-General ] James Wolfe , posted on the royal left flank , which took them in enfilade .
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