Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These findings suggest that , at the time of the act , helping agencies were regarded as irrelevant to what the person wanted to achieve , or unhelpful on the basis of previous experience of them .
2 It can be all too easy for a severely visually handicapped pupil to be physically inactive and desk-bound , or dependent on the adult helper .
3 On it there 's a paraffin stove for immediate needs ( my coffees ! ) , but most food is boiled or fried on a metal construction the size of a large upturned basin which has two openings into which long pieces of wood are fed .
4 From ribbon roses and tapestries to a triptych , Rosemary has always had craft projects of one sort or another on the go but her interest in the world in miniature was re-kindled when her brother , mindful of the dolls-house she had lost years earlier , bought her a one-twelfth reproduction Georgian eight-roomed ‘ des .
5 Reading the old files , it is interesting to note how many well-known Institute figures have served at one time or another on the TAC .
6 Leaves up to 6ins ( 15cms ) long , lance-shaped , bright green on the upper side and greyish-green or whitish-grey on the underside , with very short stalks .
7 The tension needs to be increased in order to grip the thread , so turn the disc to 6 or 7 on a Silver machine and to the ‘ + ’ sign on a Brother machine .
8 Such joints can only move in one plane , but crustaceans deal with that limitation by grouping two or three on a limb , sometimes close together , each working in a different plane so that the end of the limb can move in a complete circle .
9 maybe on the committee , you know , two or three on the committee .
10 Thank you Mr Chairman I would agree that there was two or three on the question of .
11 It is in the pages of these magazines that I think we can see most clearly how editorial policy , whether it is conscious or unconscious on the part of the editors , operates .
12 6.6 Insofar as this Agreement is less restrictive or onerous on the recipient Party in respect of the disclosure or use of any particular information than any undertaking given by the recipient Party prior to the execution of this Agreement in respect of the same information , such information shall to such extent be deemed to have been superseded by this Agreement .
13 For this one , every needle on the main bed knits , but only every third or fourth on the ribber .
14 ‘ without going into further detail I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
15 Unless , therefore the guarantee was void as having been made for an illegal consideration or voidable on the ground of economic duress , the extrinsic evidence establishes that it was supported by valid consideration .
16 I respectfully suggest that it is on any view wrong to introduce into this branch of the criminal law questions whether particular contracts are void or voidable on the ground of mistake or fraud or whether any mistake is sufficiently fundamental to vitiate a contract .
17 It was the strangest part of a detective 's job , this building up of a relationship with the dead , seen only as a crumpled corpse at the scene of crime or naked on the mortuary table .
18 His eyes scanned the wounded propped against half-demolished walls , lying amidst smashed furniture , or sprawling on the floor , and those who lay with faces covered .
19 I have three or four on the go at once .
20 However , a drop or two on a pad of wet cotton wool or handkerchief will subtly perfume a room if placed on a radiator .
21 Dark kitchens where men could purchase an hour or two on a chair by the fire and a tin mug of bacon grease and hot water .
22 An alternative method is to put a drop or two on a light bulb , so that the oil slowly evaporates into the room with the heat of the bulb .
23 I have given up all idea now of going to Kings and shall make my way across the Island as quickly as I can making a call or two on the way .
24 She beat up the eggs , splashed a drop or two on the lapel of her overcoat , and wiped it off carefully with her finger .
25 When waves break it has been observed that a jet of water at the crest of the wave may move forward with twice the velocity of the wave as a whole , so that high pressures may be exerted for a period of a second or two on the cliff face .
26 one or two on the island here who got a bit for the that er damage with the storm .
27 ‘ It is n't the Ritz , but at least there 's somewhere to sit , if you care to throw a cushion or two on the bench . ’
28 ‘ WONDERS : The Memphis International Cultural Series ’ has already raised this Southern town a rung or two on the nation 's cultural ladder .
29 Fortunately for the British government the West Germans themselves were divided or uncertain on the question of MLF , while its proponents in Washington were also losing ground .
30 You 'll do yourself an injury , I say , but she knows best no doubt for there is n't a day but she 's off for some long trip or other on the thing .
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