Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Michael : It 's about sportsman and when he was seven he was a good football player and then when I was about ten or eleven I went swimming and then when I was about eleven I dived in without any — urn — with no water in the pool so I got eye-sighted and then , when I was about fourteen it was I played snooker and I had to do the strokes really good because I was eye-sighted .
2 I replied , ‘ There it is , you know , one way or another I 've had this and that stolen from me ’ .
3 For some reason or another I 've found a pizza that does n't affect his skin
4 High and very far to the north I could just hear an aeroplane , only the third or fourth I had heard at night since coming to the island .
5 At eight or nine I planned to run away with my friend Ann , to escape from the unjust punishments , the complaints of ingratitude , the wrongs I unwittingly committed .
6 And then when I was about twenty four , twenty four or five I 'd got twenty men working for me , so er we were n't doing so bad .
7 Somehow or other I managed to learn these lessons , becoming anxious to please and to be praised for having pleased .
8 No , and somewhere or other I have got for you a copy of the long string the long you know ?
9 Somehow or other I manage to get through and I think it 's because my parents help me .
10 It was after I thought about that that I began moving my things to the cave .
11 Will I read you a poem about that that I 've written now ? ’
12 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
13 Erm that that I think relates to I think there are two important points t to make here in relation to forty one thousand .
14 Two concerns that that I do have are one in in relation to the er criterion and the safeguards that might also be be put in place with the policy .
15 and the a the idea of of erm the butch woman in dungarees , as being the feminist , erm and the women that burnt her bra or whatever was a feminist of the seventies , but it does n't mean to say that the ideas are n't still there , and I still want to be treated as an equal , but I do , I do n't see that I should change the way that I dress or the way that that I want to act
16 It does help , I mean that that I have seen before but I did n't sort of understand it and you 've actually
17 When I use 10″ x 6″ x 6″ tanks , no filtration is used , but in tanks larger than this I do install filters .
18 He put himself right before every one of them , and he was so intelligent at the job that all I had to do was to ride him quietly and let him jump without fussing him . ’
19 Although I worked all that day , by the evening I realised that all I 'd produced was about fifteen pages of a rather bad Agatha Christie spoof .
20 Because I 'm afraid that all I 've got at the moment- ’
21 My stomach 's reminding me that all I 've put in it so far today is coffee . ’
22 I was told that all I needed to know was the total spend and that was it .
23 After that the jug of water was empty and I was full , but the waiter was smirking in an enigmatic Eastern way , so I toyed with the final concoction , just to prove I could if I wanted to , and that any I happened to leave was just for manners .
24 It is a fairly large and considerably hairy breed as a rule , but my eventual acquisition turned out to be playing the dog game by his own rules and was larger and hairier than any I 've seen before or since .
25 It 's a better and deeper grave than any I 've seen .
26 The creature looked wilder and woollier than any I 've met in seas round about , its suckered and flock-piled textures giving more chew and less taste than one would have expected .
27 six hundred seven hundred and fifty I 've got
28 are doing some are n't they , but I do n't if they 're actually video 's , there was something inside , they say , it 's the other week ago , German , French and Spanish I think learning centre in
29 For instance , at least once a week if possible I like to buy a Rail Ranger or similar train or bus ticket and travel the countryside and towns just looking at everything .
30 I made it from old aluminium tent-poles , some of which I had found in the attic a long time previously and some I had got from the town dump .
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