Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] other [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hard cases test the ‘ rules of recognition ’ and , in the absence of explicit guidance , impossible for every contingency , judgements are made on the basis of prevailing feelings about ‘ justice or fairness or some other dimension of morality ’ ( 1977 : 22 ) .
2 In the West Midlands , for instance , over a third of the men whose occupations were noted in the Sedgley parish register during 1579 and 1580 were either nailmakers or some other type of metalworker .
3 Second test for functional form and there should read , you know we 've logged our data here logging implies there 's a multi picketed relationship between the variable expressed in absolute value , is that the case or is there a linear relationship or some other type of relationship there ?
4 So many mixed feelings of guilt and anxiety , love and hate can blur the issue that it may be important to adopt the suggestion of one therapist and discuss all the issues with a wise counsellor , perhaps a minister or some other friend of the family , who knows most of the people concerned but has none of the strong emotional involvement of a family member .
5 A common method of assessing predictive validity is to correlate a candidate 's test score with subsequent supervisor ratings or some other index of their subsequent job performance .
6 The motivation was not , however , the difficulty of financing his wars or some other shortage of resources , but was related to the continuing importation of French and Flemish gold coins into England .
7 10.5 Where the medical adviser considers that an employee is permanently unfit to carry out the duties of their post as a result of a violent incident at work , the Director of Social Work or nominated officer will discuss the matter with the employee concerned who may be accompanied by a trade union representative or some other person of the employee 's choice .
8 If this is not available from the director of music or some other person in the church , a local musician may be prepared to help .
9 If the relationship is real the mechanisms are far from clear , except that the effect is unlikely to be due to external radiation ; the possibility that it could be due to internal contamination by radioactive substances or some other exposure at work should be pursued .
10 The possibility that the effects could be due to internal contamination by radioactive substances , a chemical , or some other exposure at work should be explored .
11 One method attempts to compare the structures of teeth or limbs or some other feature of the extinct animal with living analogues .
12 The old heart or some other bit of my body has given out and fouled the system and I 've gone .
13 I suppose that the thieves concerned could be charged with kidnapping or some other offence under common law .
14 If the man uses force or inflicts emotional shock on his wife in order to obtain sex , he is liable to conviction for assault occasioning actual bodily harm or some other offence against the person .
15 Binocular vision , or some other sense with accurate three-dimensional assessment , is essential for catching prey or performing acrobatic feats among the trees .
16 Whenever possible , all your equipment should be ‘ marked ’ with either die stamping or by arc-welding your postcode to the chassis or some other part of the equipment .
17 Is not the heat of a material thing essentially something one is aware of by touching it or , if it is very hot , holding one 's hand , or some other part of one 's body , near it ?
18 If that er clothing becomes heated and it gets to the right temperature it will burst into the flames , likewise if it 's not balanced properly and you go out the door the living room or the lounge into the kitchen or some other part of your home the draft by closing the door can knock the airer over , unbalance it and of course er set fire to the clothing .
19 Discard it if it has awkward wires or some other hazard on the approach , and choose another field .
20 So a central issue at the meeting was whether a man is more like a dog , a rat , a pig or some other animal in terms of the distribution of endothelin receptors .
21 Not the sort of offspring you 'd be proud of if you were in politics , or some other branch of the upper social orders .
22 You may also need to help her to transfer to the list of your own general practitioner , if she and he are both agreeable to this ; and of course she must be assured that you , or some other member of the family will be with her on the actual day of the move or , if she wishes , take the responsibility of it off her shoulders completely .
23 The solicitor or some other member of the practice will conduct a simplified means test using a green form and a key card to determine financial eligibility .
24 Common in aesthetic involvement is the recognition that what seemed like mimetic realism is actually an effect of convention , genre , form , or some other kind of artifice .
25 Big barbel though , have a distinct preference for swims that combine three factors : a fairly slack piece of water adjacent to a fast run , and especially where these two preside over a dense weedbed or some other kind of refuge such as a hole , steep ledge or sunken tree .
26 It may be conceded however , that there is , or was , a power or some other kind of influence beyond man 's comprehension , which was responsible for the start of life , but that influence must be identified with the timeless universe itself .
27 People are treated by government-controlled apparatuses as individualised and equal citizens ( with distinct legal , electoral and civic rights ) rather than members of a class or some other kind of collective group .
28 Typically , it consists in an attempt to ward off criticism or some other kind of attack on the part of an authority figure by means of exchanging subject for object and thus putting the recipient of the attack in the place of the attacker .
29 They are legally entitled to say either a receipt or some other evidence of purchase .
30 He felt as he had done when a small boy and rain or some other calamity of nature had kept him from a picnic , resentful and somewhat indignant .
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