Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that she [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Crown counsel informed defence counsel of an inconsistency between the sister 's testimony and her first statement without showing him that statement or revealing that she had made a second statement confirming the first statement in that respect .
2 She did n't see any place or object that she recognised .
3 Only later had it occurred to him to wonder whether he should feel alarmed by Charlotte 's anxious tone or flattered that she felt she could turn to him for advice .
4 ‘ Aye , ‘ t is more than time that she made herself useful .
5 He heard the chatter of Maude Frobisher 's typewriter in the outer office , the pattern beat that indicated that she had steam up , and with a slight secretiveness he loosened his collar and pulled down his tie and wiped a smear of the vaseline across the offending skin .
6 I remember one subject that required that she lay flat on the ground , and this she did for hours on end while I drew her .
7 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
8 It would , she felt , atone for the things she had said and mean that she did not have to talk to Julia about them .
9 She was aware of Harry 's quickened breathing and realized that she had ‘ inflamed ’ him , just as the French girl had foretold .
10 I remember looking into Mrs Monro 's face and seeing that she looked concerned and being surprised .
11 And there was scarcely a shirt to be found that did not have the high necks and ruffles that she favoured in the early days .
12 Tamar laughed with her and realised that she felt less depressed about the forthcoming confinement after this little spell of humour .
13 She caught herself smiling ridiculously when he 'd gone , and realised that she felt quite cheered that he had n't simply given her a lift to Prague , seen her safely installed in the spare bedroom , and then forgotten about her .
14 Having stopped a couple of times for refreshment , Fabia returned to her hotel around six o'clock , and realised that she had found Mariánské Láznë quite enchanting .
15 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
16 The most constructive move was when Linda Bellos stood up and announced that she thought that the group was a complete waste of time unless it had power , and to have power it would have to be a Council Committee with the right to interfere in all other committees .
17 Charity glanced at the clock as she poured and announced that she 'd missed it , Peregrine asking if it mattered a hoot anyway , the wireless these day being so hopelessly uninformative , with nothing more important to impart than news of patrol activity on the Maginot Line .
18 He discovered that she had an IQ of genius level and announced that she needed firm discipline and intellectual stimulation .
19 She sought his mouth again , wrapping her arms around his neck , offering and receiving a kiss so fierce , impatient and demanding that she clung to him and she lost her balance , fell against him , felt him gather her up against the inflammatory hardness of his body and lift her on to the bed .
20 She still , at this point , disliked the songs and it was n't until she was in the studio and involved that she found a passionate core to the music and began to revel in it .
21 Some hours after the alleged attack , Sharon McLean ran out of the Peace Gardens in Holt Street , near Wrexham police station , and pretended that she had just discovered the body , the jury was told .
22 There was a terrible urge within her to just run away and hide , curl up into a tiny ball and forget that she had made such a stupid , stupid mistake by allowing herself to fall in love with someone as ruthless and cold as Luke Denner .
23 Slowly she began to come back to reality , and realise that she had been entirely at his mercy .
24 Agnes absorbed that and found that she believed it : Mo had been thirty years in intelligence work which trains up a determination not to know some things quite as strong as the desire to know others .
25 In the end I went to the police and found that she 'd just reported that he was missing . ’
26 She reached out for the time and found that she had over forty hours still to go before she met the contact again .
27 I got my staff to check on the Charlotte T. , and found that she had sailed the day after Andrew Stavanger wrote his letter .
28 We made enquiries and found that she had helped her mother to carry water every day in Bangladesh .
29 She took out her wallet and found that she had six pounds and ten shillings which she placed on the chair by his bed ; ‘ Will that be enough to be going on with ? ’ she asked .
30 She closed her eyes and found that she did n't have the energy to open them again .
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