Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] for such [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is easy enough to see how someone , especially someone who has suffered a childhood of poverty , can be led to a fear of emptiness , of not getting enough to eat , of starvation itself , and so in later life to stave off or compensate for such a fear .
2 Logic suggests that blame for such a situation must usually be equally divided , and that there are just as many bad , uncaring or downright lazy mothers as there bad , selfish and irresponsible fathers .
3 ‘ This crisis takes two forms : the size of the prison population ’ ( combined with the lack of prison places and the running expenses of locking up and catering for such a large number of prisoners ) ‘ and the demands on the probation and after-care service ’ ( Bottoms , 1990a : 5 ) .
4 The electoral rules also provided for a second round poll for county list seats in counties where the first round turnout was less than 50 per cent , and allowed for such a second poll to be valid provided that turnout exceeded 25 per cent .
5 The precise directions in respect of which the penal notice is sought should be specified by the solicitors when applying for such a penal notice .
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