Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] to one [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Vocal opposition , such as it is , has come from people who are retired from public life , who have been purged or pushed to one side by the Ceausescu leadership , or who have been forced to make do with a moral posture on key issues , registering their dissent , but no more .
2 There are no exact equivalents for li and ch'i among our concepts , and there is no way of approaching them except by breaking out from or awakening to one analogy after another .
3 When you have reached the lees , leave the pot on the table with the lid overturned or tilted to one side .
4 The whole route was lined by men of the Cent-Gardes , whose immobility was such that according to one guest ‘ they might have been statues ’ , but she felt unable to study them in detail , so terrified was she of slipping on the highly polished parquet that her whole mind was fixed on arriving safely at the dining room .
5 Demographers look on surveys of family intentions with mixed feelings , although according to one analysis 80 per cent of the women married in 1959 achieved their intended family size ( Barrett and Brass 1974 ) .
6 Is n't it awful , ’ said Breeze , ‘ that so many of the nice things that happen to one person have a sort of reflex action on another ?
7 But to make that observation is nothing less than to point to one way in which the UK is becoming a less open society .
8 They may adopt clothes and hairstyles that belong to one group of contemporaries or another , and change their political or religious views several times .
9 We allocated speaking and listening to one profile component since they are essentially reciprocal , interacting activities and , as such , best taken together .
10 The pickup coil in each amplifier is loaded by a 1kΩ resistor and applied to one section of an quad analogue switch .
11 Youthful offenders were also believed to be getting younger , and according to one magistrate parental authority was at such a low ebb that ‘ it is melancholy to find that some parents are not ashamed to confess that children of seven or eight years old are entirely beyond their control ’ , while another thought that ‘ in nine cases out of ten , children are entirely masters of the position ’ .
12 And according to one teacher , who fears she might be victimised if she gives her name , only one of the two teachers taken on at her school for a total of 48 four-year-olds , was actually trained to teach under-fives .
13 And according to one study of young black mothers , they are often deterred from attending clinics and classes because of judgemental and discriminatory treatment by hospital and community staff .
14 Besides , there is a back-log of acidity already in the soil ; and according to one estimate , Scottish lochs would remain at their disastrously acid level even if present acid fallout was halved by AD 2000 .
15 Perhaps this happens to us ail as we age : our past lives detach themselves and stand to one side hesitantly , hardly believing the corporeal links to a former self .
16 At the door I turn and look at Isabelle , who is half sitting up but asleep , her maroon dress neatly buttoned , her hair shiny and unmussed , her lips relaxed and full , her head heavy and turned to one side , her eyes glazed slits of half-slumber .
17 It is recorded in the Domesday Book as a manor , and belonged to one Fratmund until 1064 .
18 Corbett muttered an apology and stepped to one side .
19 Stir in the clam soup and set to one side .
20 Next make the children to go on the slide — colour the reserved fondant in appropriate colours , model and keep to one side on non-stick paper .
21 PETER WOODIFIELD reports on the assault on the invisible barriers and speaks to one woman who has bypassed them
22 Sometime during the last fortnight , two of the three bollards which protect Donkey Lane at the northern ( Whitelaw Farm ) end have been uprooted and cast to one side , thereby leaving the way clear for motors .
23 Remove , using a slotted spoon , and put to one side .
24 Remove and put to one side .
25 Make up to 150ml/¼ pint with lukewarm water and put to one side .
26 Mix cream with mustard and put to one side .
27 Make sure items you want to take with you personally are clearly marked ‘ Do Not Remove ’ and put to one side .
28 The back seat , its padding springing from the slashed plastic , had been ripped out and hurled to one side .
29 It may be easier to plan for the future in stages and to adapt to one change at a time .
30 Well this is all very admirable , you might say , and is n't the climbing world just as helpful and welcoming to one newcomer as the next ?
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