Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The advance in the interest , and in the improvements , customs and conveniences of society , necessitated advance or change in Architecture to meet those circumstances …
2 Books used in the liturgy were holy objects , often encased in jewelled bookcovers , and placed on altars or carried in processions to inspire and impress the faithful .
3 This makes the sensation much worse and , believing the aircraft is still stalled in spite of their recovery action , they are liable to panic and become unable to think or act in time to avoid diving into the ground .
4 I do not believe it is merely the result of social conditioning that in the Scriptures , in the Jewish and Christian tradition , mankind and the Church is presented as feminine to God , to whom our response must be one of obedience in contrast to those religions in which the divine is regarded as contained within creation and is to be manipulated or cajoled in order to provide what man needs .
5 The pilot released the cable but could not keep the glider straight , or stop in time to prevent the collision .
6 The Direction also oversees and assists the so-called classes and controlés museums , that is the 1200 or so provincial museums either directly linked into the Ministry through their director or supervised in order to ensure that they comply with certain requirements ( see chart ) .
7 Machines which have been destroyed or damaged in battle have so far been recovered and rebuilt , although since Leonardo 's disappearance many of the secrets of their construction have been lost and the engines become increasingly unreliable and inefficient .
8 About half of these had been won from the moderate middle-class parties and were augmented by the vote of about 6 million new voters , half of whom were young people voting for the first time , and the other half of whom were people who up to now had been too weary , cynical or lacking in hope to vote at all .
9 Being trapped by such circumstances may well increase the individual 's likelihood of suffering a psychiatric disorder , because , by definition , they would become unable or restricted in capacity to deal with the developing difficulties .
10 Any claim that a certain state or government , regime or society is " really " or " in the last analysis democratic , however implausible it may seem , must involve the implication that in some way or other the government , regime or state in question serves or represents the people ; that the " real " will of the people is expressed through it , or that the people support it , even if this support is not necessarily demonstrated through such formalities as elections .
11 The net outcome of his days in office were that about two hundred of the cases which were brought to his attention were treated with regard for human dignity , but the law affecting the rights of dependants and visitors was not changed ( except for one fairly minor aspect : in 1974 the sexually discriminatory ‘ Husbands Rule ’ was changed to allow women born or settled in Britain to have their foreign husbands here with them ) .
12 Sets of spaces found not to conform to their specified relationships can be redefined or repositioned in order to reestablish those relationships .
13 If this definition is applied when reviewing surveillance studies the result is that cancers found earlier than eight years from onset or found in left sided colitis or a cancer found at colonoscopy performed for any reason other than surveillance ( such as rectal bleeding ) , can not be regarded as a success .
14 Was this illness real , or assumed in order to gain time ?
15 The bank will no longer fund projects in primary forests or engage in developments affecting forest dwellers without their consent , and will carry out environmental impact assessments for projects in forest areas .
16 ‘ For God 's sake , let's take another drink , or shoot the dogs , or call in Claire to dance the fandango , rather than indulge ourselves in this misery !
17 First , that both sides had ‘ second strike capability ’ , i.e. , enough weapons buried in silos or submerged in submarines to hit back devastatingly after a nuclear attack .
18 But in a minority ‘ access to resources was unsatisfactory : apparatus was hidden in cupboards , stored haphazardly , scattered , or kept in rooms used for other purposes for much of the day ’ .
19 In contrast , several controlled studies have failed to show a protective effect of somatostatin or octreotide in ERCP induced pancreatitis .
20 It is clear that a reduction or increase in funding did not automatically lead to similar changes in each of the schools .
21 Changes in mortality rates will result in either a decrease or increase in prevalence according to the direction of change in mortality .
22 Ca n't the Watch Committee … rid the police of the hooligan element … gangs of young and hefty idlers squat on the pavement or lurk in subways to annoy passers-by , to play tricks on defenceless shop assistants , or to gamble in the face of the public .
23 Some time before his entrance , campesinos had rushed and squabbled like geese when another confession box was opened , but now they stood or sat in silence holding their children to them as the liturgy was gone through .
24 Panels can be painted , papered or purchased in pre-decorated finishes to simulate anything from tiles to woodgrain .
25 The irony is that having frittered our energies away in our endeavour to possess the object of our desire , having done all we can , even lied or deceived in order to obtain the object of our desire , we lose interest in that object because , whether consciously or not , we realize that we have not found lasting satisfaction or peace of mind .
26 It is interesting to note that when an epergne stood on the table , there were no creams , jellies , or syllabubs in glasses mentioned in the dessert course , but Lady Grisell herself did not possess such an ornament and for her own dinners still served " sweetmeats and jelly and sillibubs " , curds and cream , pears and apples , " pistaches and scorcht almonds , Bisket round the milk " in the old way in separate dishes , in glasses on footed salvers , and in sweetmeat glasses .
27 It is important to note that these ballets were created by MacMillan whose aim has been to convince audiences that dance in ballet belongs to the reality of life and to show how life can be manipulated .
28 The argument does not depend at all on demand growth : it rests on the view that to invest in Sizewell to replace old , but not necessarily worn out , plant will actually cheapen the provision of the same amount of electricity .
29 Whereas a course of dealing can incorporate a term that has in effect become customary between the two parties in question , trade usage can incorporate a term that has become a custom amongst all the buyers and sellers dealing in the environment in question .
30 In 1988 , media reports of a massive flooding episode that occurred in Bangladesh singled out deforestation in the Himalaya as the most important cause .
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