Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] been used by " in BNC.

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1 By rail you could alight at the tiny wooden platform that has been used by servicemen for decades .
2 It was a male preserve , consecrated to sport , where guns were cleaned after a day 's shooting and guests would be shown valuable old museum pieces that had been used by earlier Arbuthnots .
3 This was land that had been used by the army for infantry training but which , for various reasons , the Ministry had decided to give up .
4 A couple of dozen bales of fabric had been destroyed , partly by the fire and partly by the water that had been used by the fire brigade to put the fire out .
5 There will be stricter limits on the state-of-siege powers that have been used by all governments for the past 40 years .
6 This apparently backward causality , if true , would cause problems for identity theories of mind and has been used by dualists like John Eccles to support their position , with the backward step in time made by a non-physical mind .
7 They are now certain an explosion was caused by Pentrite , a plastic explosive which requires much less skill to handle than Semtex and has been used by a far wider range of terrorist groups .
8 Local government has seen the growth of intra-as well as inter-party politics , and has been used by both major parties to promote ‘ radical ’ policies .
9 Extrapolation based upon a mathematical formula has the appearance of a much greater degree of precision and has been used by a number of workers in Britain , e.g.Jones ( 1924 ) and Brown ( 1952 ) .
10 This intercommoning by a number of vills seems to be another indicative factor of early estates and has been used by Della Hooke and William Ford in their study of such estates in the Midlands .
11 A two hour dialysis time does not achieve equilibrium values of the eicosanoid measured but reflects epithelial values and has been used by other authors .
12 The use of COMMUNITEL as a package linked to the use of Prestel and the development of information skills is well documented in the Houghton Regis School project and has been used by Prestel Education as publicity material The potential uses of such packages can be seen by examining the different ways in which school librarians and pupils can effectively present information in a novel and professional way .
13 It has been known for its medicinal properties for 2,000 years and has been used by Russian cosmonauts since the 1970s .
14 Certainly the phrases " the Bleiburg Massacre " and " the Bleiburg Tragedy " have long been in currency , and have been used by historians sympathetic to the Croats such as Prcela and Guldescu in Operation slaughterhouse : Eyewitness Accounts of Post-war Massacres in Yugoslavia ( Dorrance , 1970 ) .
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