Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To assign them to a calendar scale and determine the sizes of the intervals between them requires absolute dating methods , such as those described above or those based on radioactive decay .
2 Applicants from charities registered with the Charity Commissioners or those approved for charitable status by the Inland Revenue should send their name and address on a postcard to : Ann Derby , Post Office Charity Stamp Appeal , Charities Aid Foundation , 48 Pembury Road , Tonbridge , Kent TN9 2JD .
3 Only 14 users ( 1 per cent ) were aged under 16 years , and there were no unexpected age differences between male and female opioid users or those known to different agencies .
4 The hypothesis raises , however , one difficulty : if there was a shift towards the equator in both hemispheres , it would seem that either a climatic belt was squeezed out or one or more narrowed in latitudinal extent .
5 Before they reached heaven , the great majority of men and women would be required to spend a period in an intermediate location called purgatory , where those destined for eternal bliss would first be subjected to severe punishments for the sins they had committed on earth .
6 He commences upon the dismantling of assumptions of where the texts are funny or obscene based on modern suppositions of what constitutes obscenity et al. , and puts forward a theory that picks up a suggestion of Nykrog 's concerning the relationship of fabliau and romance : that the fabliaux flourished as a conservative reaction to new notions of gentility and decency in behaviour and especially in language ; new notions that are found most clearly in the literary cult of fin amour .
7 Others such as the improvement in the status of women , or educational followed by enhanced employment opportunities for children particularly to disadvantaged and poor sections , are much more difficult to achieve ( Cassen 1980 ) .
8 The following were obtained from Sigma Chemicals Ltd and where necessary dissolved in distilled water immediately before use : acetylcholine , superoxide dismutase , N G -monomethy-L-arginine , N G -monomethy-D-arginine , methylene blue , tetrodotoxin , and hypaque 1017 and 1119 .
9 — who are taking the lead in setting up the new Divisions — are now starting discussions , where necessary backed by targeted groups to take our thinking forward .
10 So many of Hardy 's girls are people who 've had a little bit of education , and who are somehow or other caught between traditional ways and modern ways , and I think one has the feeling that Hardy is more interested in the sociologically transitional status of the people he 's writing about than he is interested in them as people .
11 Mr Kinnock said on Channel 4 News last night that it would be wrong to raise taxes more than Labour planned in current financial circumstances as it ‘ would be deflationary and push us deeper into recession ’ .
12 The extent to which Th1 responses are down-regulated in infected patients , who clearly are mounting antiparasite Th2-like responses , remains unclear , although some studies have indicated less of a suppression than that seen in infected mice ( Dunne ; C. King , Case Western Reserve ) .
13 The summation of these two response tendencies ( conditioned and unconditioned ) in control subjects , for whom the CS is novel , might be enough to ensure a bigger net response than that seen in pre-exposed subjects , for whom the unconditioned component will be absent .
14 With each equation the average rank given to correct words is better than that given to incorrect words .
15 Because the film includes no genital close-ups or explicit sexual activity , it has played in many parts of the world , occasionally with a classification less restrictive than that given to so-called ‘ hardcore ’ sex films .
16 Commentators in Washington noted that Bush 's use of the word " irreversible " , to describe the process of change in South Africa , was a stronger form of recognition than that given by European Community member countries .
17 And the damage to health caused by alcoholism and stress among Soviet citizens moved from their homes was probably greater than that caused by released radioactivity .
18 The criteria upon which the design of the tailplanes was based did not take into account the possibility that a substantial differential pressure could exist in the tail structure other than that caused by aerodynamic loads .
19 Thus the risk of loss or damage ( other than that caused by late delivery or the seller 's negligence ) will pass at the same time as the passing of property .
20 In Joyce v Yeomans [ 1981 ] 2 All ER 21 the Court of Appeal said that although the impression made on the trial judge by expert witnesses is less important than that made by lay witnesses , it will still carry considerable weight .
21 The court might hold that the existence of the default power precludes the tort action ; but if the authority has not just failed to act but has taken positive action , or if it has acted ultra vires , or if it has inflicted injury on the applicant greater than that suffered by other affected parties ( ‘ special damage ’ ) , a court might be prepared to allow a tort action even in the face of a statutory default power .
22 The honours and ordinary degree courses differ in the number and level of units of study undertaken in Year IV ; candidates for the honours degree are required to follow a more demanding programme than that undertaken by ordinary degree students .
23 This study could be seen as a pilot study that gives an intimation that if one has the right methodology the data which is yielded can be richer than that created from other methods .
24 Th resolution with pachytene chromosomes is claimed to be better than that obtained with high resolution banded somatic chromosomes ( 16,17 ) .
25 For all these reasons , we think that extraction of platelet activating factor and precursors from the gastric mucosa would not give more information than that obtained from gastric juice analyses .
26 Their loyalty was therefore to some profounder vision of Britain than that expressed in mere party politics .
27 1981 ) , and that the actual rate of offending is much higher than that revealed by official figures ( Hindelang , 1976 ; West and Farrington , 1973 ) .
28 Because black women psychologists are defined by their ‘ race ’ as well as their gender , they tend to be channelled into work of lower status than that done by white female psychologists .
29 When bFGF given subcutoneously ( but not by the intragastric route ) was combined with sucralfate , the reduction in gastric lesions was more pronounced than that achieved with sucralfate or bFGF alone ( Table I ) .
30 If , therefore , the normal population in this age group was screened at five year intervals , and assuming that the polyp/carcinoma sequence takes longer than five years , 190 cases of cancer or premalignant polyp would be found per 50000 examinations — that is , 1 in 263 : a higher detection rate in the normal population than that achieved by annual colonoscopic surveillance of extensive longstanding ulcerative ulcerative colitis .
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