Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun pl] [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 He strode away to the Bridge of Straw where sleek motor-launches jostled for position and came to a halt by one which was larger , sleeker and more opulently fitted out than the rest .
2 The first sign was slogans daubed on the wall of a kuttub , a religious school where small children went for their first instruction in the Koran .
3 And we had four casters in the works and I had to go and sort out the , I 'll tell you about the find the castings that these men wanted for their lot , take them down to the castors and tell them in priority which I wanted , you know and er all that sort of thing and erm I had n't used to do any , making any locks hardly at the end , you know I had , I had before but er if I might say so , er I became mo the most important man on the factory , you know .
4 The vacated space was then re-occupied as more than 600 runners jostled for a starting position .
5 The discussion was not conclusive but views were expressed that , while there was no such obligation on the Central Authority , if it felt that good grounds existed for an appeal , it could properly act .
6 Difficulties with the special paint finishes that General Motors wanted for its Buick plant in Lansing , Michigan , led PPG to move into the factory to manage the process itself .
7 Beneath a giant red star and the name ‘ Tito ’ painted on a hillside , Muslim and Serbian guerrillas jousted for supremacy in the latest phase of the bloody disintegration of the Communist patrician 's Yugoslav federation .
8 Unemployment rose dramatically , while the manufacturing industry declined steeply , producing in 1932 only just over half its output in 1929. wheat fell from $1.05 a bushel in 1929 to 39 cents in 1932 , and similar falls occurred for most other agricultural products .
9 A Steiff gold plush Teddy Bear , circa 1910 , only 8½″ high , named Marmaduke , brought £1,200 and wooden Noah 's Ark 29″ long x 18″ high with 16 carved wooden animals and 7 birds went for £1,000 .
10 The shock and mystery of two tragic and violent deaths jostled for attention with a sense of uncertainty over her future relationship with Barney .
11 Few looked upon parties in a favourable light and majorities even of party identifiers were unable to Perceive any important differences between what the Republican and Democratic parties stood for .
12 US Marines have won medals of honour dying to save their flag , and these kids died for their symbols as well .
13 There was no time for him to get up the steps and past the door before it opened and deadly talons reached for him in the darkness .
14 If married persons sterilized for non-contraceptive reasons are included , the proportion of the subfecund rises to 25 per cent ( most non-contraceptive sterilizations are for conditions which would themselves cause sterility : McFalls and McFalls 1984 ) .
15 No matter how many causes and causal circumstances existed for an effect , it was true of each cause that if it occurred , so did the effect .
16 But pain often persists after all steps have been taken to relieve the cause , and practical investigators looked for drugs which gave the benefits of morphine without causing addiction or other inconvenient effects .
17 Cypriot and Irish elders came for employment in earlier years and have stayed ( ibid . ) .
18 Holos for local businesses , net stations and archaeological attractions competed for attention , whooping and gyrating on their daises .
19 MOSLEM and Hindu leaders appealed for calm yesterday after a Hindu temple was burnt to the ground and three others fire-bombed .
20 His Majesty congratulated them on the solution of this difficult problem , and pointed out that while France and other countries existed for weeks without a Government , in this country our constitution is so generous that leaders of Parties .
21 In Bloomfield Auctions a dining table and four chairs went for £300 while another set comprising a dining table and six chairs made £240 .
22 But six wickets fell for ten runs , including the bizarre dismissal of Border .
23 But ten minutes sufficed for the blazing gun-fight , and for the affecting death scene with soaring strings .
24 These were ‘ asymmetrical cyclical troughs ’ because recovery of output was spread over a much longer period than its initial loss , and because many factories closed for good in the second recession .
25 The intense conflict in the years from 1980 to 1982 led to many resignations among teachers , while many others asked for transfers .
26 While many citizens clamoured for the removal of public women from the streets , any attempt to introduce a continental system of tolerated areas would be rejected immediately as implicating the state in the immoral recognition of vice .
27 They began the final day on 122 for two , needing only 79 more to complete their historic triumph , but the dreams of their players , officials and supporters at Kensington Oval and the millions back home watching live TV coverage in late afternoon disappeared in the space of an hour and 40 minutes as eight wickets tumbled for 26 .
28 The brown trout season opened on the rivers last Sunday and Thornaby AA enjoyed a tremendous response as 74 anglers competed for the Trout Cup on the Tees between Croft and Hurworth .
29 Halevy , who had an acute eye for the ideological delusions of the British , observed that when Labour leaders looked for solutions to the problem of unemployment they turned , not to socialism , but to the traditions of liberal internationalism :
30 As the last word tripped off Lamont 's mouth the room half emptied as bored businessmen raced for the buffet tables and the cold Chablis .
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