Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun sg] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 An incomplete or sloppy check carried out on the canopy can be lethal , because if it comes off it is a matter of luck whether it hits or misses the tail .
2 Kossack met Highlander in combinations of tunic , kilt and breeches , with a touch of monkey fur or fake chinchilla thrown in .
3 Lunch Half of the 8-oz. tin of shoulder ham or corned beef left over from Monday .
4 Up till recently , ceilings , walls and woodwork were either done in gloss , eggshell or flat paint , with perhaps the odd contrast border or super graphic thrown in as an added bonus .
5 And , by the Married Women 's Property Act 1964 , any money derived by a wife from an allowance made by her husband for housekeeping purposes , or any property acquired out of it , is deemed , in the absence of any agreement between them to the contrary , to belong in equal shares to the husband and wife .
6 ‘ Any duty imposed on any person by any of the preceding provisions of this Article shall extend only to things done in the course of a trade , business or other undertaking carried on by him ( whether for profit or not ) and to matters within his control . ’
7 A " customer " is a person with or for whom a firm carries on , or merely intends to carry on , " regulated business " or other business carried on in connection with that regulated business ; the reference to " other business " does not make someone a customer if he would not otherwise be but seems merely to extend the scope of the activities covered by the COB Rules .
8 However , before we discuss the difference between this finding and that of Marslen-Wilson 's demonstration of facilitatory effects of context in auditory word-recognition , we should note that another experiment carried out by Fischler and Bloom ( 1979 ) showed that some facilitation did occur with words which were very predictable from their context .
9 The Comptroller and Auditor General , appointed by the Crown on a resolution of the House of Commons by virtue of section 1(1) of the National Audit Act 1983 has two major functions : ( a ) to ensure that all money paid out of the government accounts has been properly authorised and is properly applied ; and ( b ) to examine the accounts of the , various government departments .
10 The swords met again in another violent discharge of magic and , at the same time , Lio ! rt brought his other hand down against Rincewind 's head , jarring him so hard that one foot jerked out of its ring and flailed desperately .
11 It would be very naive to suppose that one report taken on its own could tell you as much as you might want to know about the organization .
12 It 's another side to The Coal Porters ' sound and Griffin 's songwriting that shows they have more than one ace hidden up their sleeves .
13 Allowing play to continue for an hour if such time has been lost during the day is splendid ; but the idea must be extended to ensure that any time lost up to that hour is added on .
14 Yet his possession of patterns of sexual dimorphism closely comparable to those of the modern gelada baboon point with equal force to the supposition that modern man acquired along with those gross features of bodily structure behavioural propensities appropriate to them .
15 Viewed against the abnormally small numbers in High Suffolk , the many wage earners of the Stour Valley also give the impression that expanding industry sucked in labour from far and wide .
16 The war and everything , and that jumbo blown out of the skies over the Atlantic … ’
17 Thoughts on women and politics generally tended to emerge on an ad hoc basis as a by-product of empirical studies into voting behaviour and political participation carried out in the 1950s and 60s .
18 He liked the plain chops and boiled potatoes and greens ; most of all he liked the rice puddings with a well of red jam in the centre and evaporated milk poured on to cool it all .
19 Three-year-old Daniel Hampton was crushed when the 9ft-high and 8ft-wide panel toppled on to him as he tried to climb it at a recreation ground .
20 They reckon that if each machine brought in $192 a day ( a claim the Las Vegas experts call unrealistic ) , and if the owners let the state pocket 90% of it , the state could earn more than $196m a year ; and it could put the money towards education .
21 They found that £15 or £20 a week went as far in an erstwhile fishing village on Spain 's Costa Brava as it did at an English seaside hotel or holiday camp , with cheap wine and reliable sunshine thrown in .
22 A Disinfection Order is also placed on the premises and further testing carried out to ensure that it is salmonella-free .
23 The activating field producing resonance is the electric and magnetic field set up by an overhead power line or magnetic field producing appliance such as an electric blanket , etc .
24 After Peniel , when for a night Jacob also , so unheroic hitherto , played a hero 's part , we are given more subtle comedy and another hero brought down to earth .
25 Only the table where he worked was orderly , the piles of flimsy and top-copy paper lined up neatly , the newly-typed draft face-down beside the covered machine .
26 The authority of the UN has been bolstered and Iraqi aggression seen off .
27 My Bill also seeks to right the serious and indefensible wrong brought about by the abolition of free eye and dental tests ; and free prescriptions would be available to all over the age of 60 .
28 The timing of the introduction of the care programme approach coincided with the initial dates for the major reforms of health and social care brought about by the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 .
29 Turkish and Greek Cypriots , for example , Jewish people and the Irish have been unable to find a voice within a political and cultural space marked out as ‘ black ’ .
30 He lost his hold on the bag and a slew of rice and chicken and ochre sauce splashed on to the carpet .
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