Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [vb -s] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The chief dangers are that some flaw in the title will be overlooked , or that requisitions on title will not be delivered within the stipulated time ( now six working days after delivery of abstract ) , so that a seller 's conveyancer might plead this breach of the conditions of sale as an excuse for not clearing up a genuine difficulty .
2 These are especially important where there is ‘ the potential for discord when anything beyond the conventional or ordinary begins to surface .
3 Note 1.2.3 One other thing 1.2.2 does for us is to prove that Z can contain only one subset N with the properties listed in axiom P. ( If M is a subset of Z satisfying P then either 1 or -1 belongs to M. It follows from 1.2.2 that unc and then from axiom P(ii) that , in any case , 1 ε M. Similarly 1 ε N and hence
4 We will suppose that the wavenumber of the rolls is similar to that that occurs without pattern control ; i.e. the control serves only to remove the defects , not to impose an unusual wavenumber .
5 Erm , the first point relates to erm affordable housing targets in York , and the consequences that that has in relation not only to York but other areas , on the on the assumption that that there is , there has to be an overspill to adjou adjacent areas .
6 Sample results can be portrayed as the outcome of laboratory analysis with all that that implies about accuracy , validity , and reliability , an impression doubtless enhanced by the use of computer print-out and the provision of results to one or more decimal places ( cf.
7 But it is as strike-breakers — with all that that implies of betrayal of working-class solidarity — that they went down in ETS history .
8 Erm , we would think of others , would n't we , not only do we have our own National Anthem , but we have other songs that that arouses from time to time .
9 We suggest that our discussions about this idea proceed in parallel with Europe 's efforts to achieve by 1992 a common internal market so that plans for interaction turn to page 24 , col 2
10 Three years , 326 TV plays , one Coronation and 5,000 television sets later , it shut down again , so that signals from Ally Pally 's mast did n't alert enemy planes .
11 Although this sounds like propaganda , the memory of chemical warfare waged by the Iraqis in the Gulf war is too recent for it to be dismissed .
12 The three main types of people who practise archaeology are professional archaeologists , amateur enthusiasts , and students , although this varies from country to country .
13 Freeman suggested that this refers to participation in a ceremony of confirmation at Southampton in 1016 , or to Cnut 's coronation by Archbishop Lyfing in 1017 .
14 Note that this refers to card subjects , so the light and shade effects found in a plant canopy will be absent .
15 A pity that this clashes with Music for a Dying King ( C4 : 7.00–8.00 pm ) , a Tony Scull documentary exploring the religious music of baroque composer Franois Couperin .
16 Lemert suggested that this cuts off access to conventional settings , activities and identities and in time leads to the ‘ deviants ’ acquiring a different conception of themselves : they live up to the deviant identity given to them by the labellers and indulge in more ( ‘ secondary ’ ) deviance .
17 President Bush has agreed that the conventional arms treaty should be signed at summit level , and the Americans know that this means in practice that Mr Gorbachev will have his Helsinki 2 .
18 President Bush has agreed that the conventional arms treaty should be signed at summit level , and the Americans know that this means in practice that Mr Gorbachev will have his Helsinki 2 .
19 Recognising that this stands in contradiction to the statements contained in the terms and conditions of engagement which they offer their casual workers , some organisations seek to make it clear that they are no more than " collecting agents for the revenue " .
20 It is submitted that this leaves in place the binding character of Article 13 of the original Convention as to service of documents by accredited consular or diplomatic agents .
21 Transferring attention to coordinates at 45° to the x- and y-directions shows that this corresponds to anisotropy of the turbulence — different intensities in different directions .
22 Out of what 's left a bit more than half of what 's left goes on sweets and a bit less than half goes on stationery .
23 Here we present neodymium , strontium and lead isotope data for a variety of central Atlantic islands , and show that similar offsets in lead isotope ratios are found in lavas from the islands of Madeira and Trinidade .
24 Long before this , however , the groundwork has been well laid for a sense of personal autonomy that is not in conflict with attitudes of dependency ( since assistance is simply to be expected and does not , as we have seen , entail subordination ) and that persists throughout life .
25 As the story of a white woman who rides into the Mexican mountains to be sacrificed , naked and unprotesting , to the god of the Indians in order to maintain for them ‘ The mastery that man must hold , and that passes from race to race ’ , this piece , particularly when contrasted with Sweeney Agonistes , makes clear the essential difference between Eliot 's interest in the savage and that of Lawrence .
26 Colleagues , we are gon na deal with that section of Mick 's report that deals with the public services and that commences on page thirty four , thirty five , yes .
27 And that goes on aggregate on the night , yeah ?
28 But — ‘ time waits for no man ’ and that goes for woman too — bombarded as she is with ever new vogues , ever changing fads and fashions — constantly confronted with remonstrations to be ‘ with it ’ and keep up to date .
29 Section three , goes in there , and then I 'll give you your induction report back , which Alan 's got at the moment , and that goes in section three , and that 's fantastic eh , so let's have a nibble something to eat .
30 This may seem to be a gloomy picture but it must be noted that , in relation to work , age is not a large aspect of individual differences compared with natural endowment , and that increases in ability can more than compensate for small decreases in capacity .
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