Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [is] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 It presupposes that that is right that those boundaries have been rightly drawn essentially for all time .
2 about how many copies where they 've actually gone that that is some that is sent out to all school 's and quite considerable numbers are sent out .
3 Of course it can be argued that since he adopted the Liberal cause in the 1920s , he was practically at one with Liberalism , and that is all that matters .
4 Their uncle got here and that is all that matters , ’ Rose smoothed , turning to chat to the girls in the back .
5 ‘ There 's a real danger in the field of design these days that you become known for a specific style , like a particular type of chair , for instance , and that is all that people will ever want you to do . ’
6 ( In good humour he has already turned back to the mime : the two SPIES awaiting execution at the hands of the PLAYER ) Audiences know what to expect , and that is all that they are prepared to believe in .
7 If polling day is 9 April , a certain amount of time is needed to get business through the House , and that is all that the guillotine is for .
8 We are together and that is all that matters for now . ’
9 ‘ I do n't think you could honestly say it was going well just now , but it will do soon and that 's all that matters . ’
10 and that 's all that matters
11 Still , it worked , and that 's all that matters .
12 It does n't matter — they 're in the wild and breeding successfully , I 'm pleased to say , and that 's all that matters .
13 It does n't sound very much like Michael Caine , but then it does n't sound like your own voice either and that 's all that matters .
14 I have you and that 's all that matters .
15 ‘ But we got you free and that 's all that really matters .
16 All we 've got is memories and love , and that 's all that matters
17 And that 's all that happened .
18 Thank you very much , Jo , Peter and Dick , and that 's all that we have time for today .
19 Thank you very much , Low , and that 's all that we have time for today .
20 She said and that 's all that matters .
21 You know what they mean and that 's all that matters .
22 And it does n't matter about anybody else , because the wedding 'll take place and grandad has to sign the register , dad has to sign the register and the mother can sign and that 's all that matters .
23 Yes , cos that 's alright that 's a good girl there .
24 If that 's right that 's the one you want really is n't it ?
25 PRINCE Charles yesterday revealed his three favourite Shakespeare plays — The Merry Wives Of Windsor , The Taming Of The Shrew and All 's Well That Ends Well .
26 And all 's well that ends well . ’
27 If one is sure that the remedy is correct ! and there is no improvement then it is likely that a maintaining cause in the patient 's way of life or environment is influencing his progress .
28 So glorious and yet so very real that if we by faith , and if we have by faith looked to Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us and received him , now , not there of course , but risen , and ascended , and glorified is promising that we ha will pass , or we have passed from death unto life .
29 The convention has been largely moribund since the general election , but Labour is insistent that it is the only cross-party forum in which it will take part .
30 But that 's awful that you 've done
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