Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [modal v] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He could hardly believe a young boy of no more than ten or eleven could be playing such a deadly game .
2 Nothing crude or hasty could be done .
3 The planning implications of this policy became clear in Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 ( 1988 ) : ‘ Opencast coal can often be produced cheaply and profitably … ( it ) is also an integral part of British Coal 's overall production and makes a vital contribution to their finances … it is in the national interest to maximise production where that can be done in an environmentally acceptable way ’ .
4 The citizens charter sets out a comprehensive programme to improve the quality of public services and make them answer better to the wishes of their users , where that can be done , by providing choice for the citizen .
5 Working Abroad — There are laws which ensure that your education and qualifications whether professional or technical will be recognised in all of the countries in the Community .
6 It is reasonable to assume , therefore , that there would be a residue of canine stock , who for one reason or another would be deemed unsuitable to die for the perverted pleasure of the gloating Roman nobility .
7 In the tropics , however , flowers of one kind or another can be found throughout the year , so there animals are able to make pollen and nectar the mainstay of their diet and have evolved highly efficient organs to collect it .
8 Sometimes , above the noise , one voice or another could be heard : Deliver , O Lord , the souls of thy servants …
9 This may be the case for some manual workers , though by no means all , but there are large numbers of people on low incomes who for one reason or another could be hurt by Labour 's plans .
10 The garage will inform you which category of car you have and , if it needs adjustment , where this can be done and how much it will cost .
11 The directors may , for instance , make gifts to the employees , but only where this can be regarded as ‘ an inducement to them to exert themselves in future , or as an act done reasonably for the purpose of getting the greatest profit from the business ’ .
12 ‘ Underlying trends are now in the right direction and as conditions in the insurance market improve we are well placed to take advantage of opportunities for profitable growth where this can be achieved while maintaining the quality of our portfolio .
13 Separation of the sexes was also considered desirable where this could be achieved .
14 Your doctor may want to carry out an internal examination to check the size and position of your womb , which will help indicate how far along you are , or this may be done at your hospital appointment .
15 Extra time may be spent learning the basics of editing , or more advanced camera work etc. , or this might be left to develop at a later workshop .
16 Then , where δ is the fraction so that the Goldbach–Rehage formula above becomes or This can be written in terms of , the relaxation time at the glass temperature , since where is a shift factor and Hence or , if the material is being heated or cooled at a rate we have where is the decrement of the expansion coefficient of the glass and , as before .
17 Note , if you attempt to use option 1.3.1 to read out a package containing a module which is HARDCPY ( hard copy only available ) , or NOISSUE ( no issue ) or to which you have no access , an error message will be displayed and option 1.3.2 , 1.3.3 , 1.3.4 or 1.3.5 must be used to selectively read out the modules in the package which are available .
18 We want to examine possible ways of making litigation affordable , perhaps by diverting the cost from the parties ( at least initially ) so that those who would otherwise find payment difficult , impossible or off-putting might be enabled to bring or defend an action .
19 For use outside England and Wales , but in the UK modified Prescribed Forms 111 or 112 should be used .
20 In some cases , the decision about quantity ( and indeed time ) may be dictated by considerations of future supply , particularly where these may be threatened by economic or political pressures .
21 Henry Erskine 's correspondents could have added to their list several other varieties of revenue officer , judicial appointments , university chairs , first appointments in the army or the navy , and where these could be obtained without purchase , advancement in rank in these services , Indian and colonial patronage , and much more .
22 It may be useful for family health services authorities within the zone to take on responsibility for arranging early retirement packages , where these could be shown to be in the interests of the service .
23 In spelling out its arguments for the proposed pattern , the Council was once again reinterpreting the balance that had been at the centre of its concerns from the beginning : there was nothing in the Charter and Statutes ‘ which prevented greater recognition from being given to an institution 's own internal procedures where these could be shown to be rigorous and effective .
24 Where these can be related definitely to known diseases then appropriate remedies can be used .
25 If the work has not gone too far , there is often some blank page , or part of one , where these can be noted ; otherwise they will normally be printed on a special slip or leaf which can be ‘ tipped-in ’ ( lightly attached by glue or paste at the inner edge ) .
26 Advantage should be taken of external courses where these can be shown to be relevant and cost effective .
27 The effects of advertising , where these can be identified , are not necessarily short term .
28 Of the fifteen places that will be open to students every year , two or three will be reserved for foreign students .
29 Applications for 15,000 shares or fewer will be granted in full .
30 In this instance he need only be concerned that income actually paid out to the children during their minorities or unmarried may be taxed upon him under TA 1988 , s663 .
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