Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [be] not [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Stopping only to emphasize that this is not because we belong to different disciplines and that several other final positions are open to anyone from either discipline , we then leave readers to make up their own minds , or else to decide that there is no monopoly of wisdom to be had .
2 How could you show that this was not because chocolate bars , sweets , etc. , are more likely to be eaten since your depression means that you can not be bothered to cook a proper meal ?
3 It usually dawns on you slowly that all is not as it would appear on the surface .
4 When we look at Poe 's tales , the structure seems predictable , even formulaic : the dawning sense that all is not as it should be ; the attempts to explain away the moaning sounds that something inside him is nevertheless compelling him to hear ; the fight with fancy , as if one could will away one 's deepest fear ; and then the horrified recognition that what one was most afraid of is there , behind the antique panels , waiting to throw one to the floor .
5 When the inquiry has been completed , we shall all know what happened , but in the meantime I warn the right hon. Gentleman that all is not as portrayed on the media .
6 Back in 1973 the Turin vice squad had a tip-off that all was not as it should be in one of the city 's massage parlours which offered a variety of therapeutic services , among them ‘ Overall body massage with opportunities for meditation ’ .
7 Both were beset by a growing uneasiness , a feeling that all was not as it should be — that somewhere out there in the darkness , sinister forces were gathering against them …
8 There was no mention anywhere of Morpurgo or Mrs Diamond by name , nor hint in anything Harry read that all was not as it appeared to be .
9 At the same time she could n't help feeling surprised by the discovery that all was not as Aunt Bertha had surmised .
10 Paradoxically , in most years the outcome of the Defence budgetary process is under-rather than overspending , and this is not because the accounting officers fear the wrath of Parliament , but because of what has become known as the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ , illustrated in figure 3 .
11 At present , many solicitors simply fail to give adequate advice , and this is not because of any immediate fault on their part but because they are operating in units that are too small .
12 And this is not because humanity is n't up to it .
13 We are not as accomplished as the best German orchestras , and this is not because we are bad string players , but simply because we 're a kind of pot pourri , we have all kinds of different string styles in England .
14 a letter from a grant awarding body ( e.g. education and library board , local education authority ) stating that it will pay your fees ( if this is not provided you will be responsible for the payment of your fees ) ;
15 a letter from a grant awarding body or your employer , stating that fees will be paid on your behalf ( if this is not provided you will be responsible for the payment of your fees ) ;
16 But that 's not where we saw the red squirrel .
17 Yeah , the tension is slipping a bit and I 've done a few foolish things , but that 's not because we 're near the end of the wait .
18 But that is not because its orders have greater status per se than the orders of a court of first instance or any intermediate court of appeal .
19 But that was not because anyone was very happy with it .
20 Some courts allow attendance on simple or agreed applications by letter , but this is not as of right .
21 The skulls of an elephant and of a man are different shapes , but this is not because the molecules which fit together to make an elephant 's skull are a different shape from those that make a human skull .
22 But this is not because she has suddenly decided to espouse the hereditary principle .
23 Majorese can sometimes be almost equally hard to follow ; but this is not because it is deceptive .
24 Despite the fact that about 95% of that can be recycled , very little actually is , but this is not because of people 's ignorance , but more because the majority of district councils in Britain provide insufficient Recycling services .
25 It is true that Dicey , the LPDL , and later the BCA , allied themselves with the Conservative party , but this was not because they considered themselves Conservatives .
26 Buildings , also , seldom appear in his paintings but this was not because he lacked the ability as his etchings show .
27 The state was of course sometimes perceived as an alien entity by peasants living in remote rural areas , but this was not because it was Western .
28 But this was not because I received no proposals .
29 And and the shortage of er sewerage as such is not as su as such a criteria to on which to judge the provision of the new settlement because that 's part and parcel of the infrastructure that would be provided .
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