Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] tell [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 've always been doing what this man told me or that man told me ; now I 'm doing things for myself .
2 Remember it is possible that you might have to do what a bully or older person tells you , so that you can keep yourself safe .
3 That this book tells you what the new ones are .
4 But organisation charts only give us the bare bones of the organisation 's structure and we should not be carried away with the idea that official descriptions tell us all .
5 You 've had more than enough time to tell me , and by keeping quiet since we met again you 've been effectively lying . ’
6 If you fill your factory with machines so sophisticated that they can make anything that any blueprint tells them to make , it is hardly surprising if sooner or later a blueprint arises that tells these machines to make copies of itself .
7 A university education , after all , was no more than other people telling you what to think , the pouring in of examination facts , an uncreative process leading to sterility , not freedom .
8 They might have fared more comfortably had they sailed a longer journey — from Kingsburgh up to Waternish point , a journey which would then have taken them directly down into Loch Dunvegan — although local people told me the weather here can come up very quickly , and perhaps Allan Macdonald 's boat was not adequately large .
9 We calculate that on an estimate of what we think has happened to employment in the quarter erm and that calculation tells us , and it seems to be re reasonably right in the sense that it 's got a , a good tr a good record of tracking erm the official numbers when they eventually come out .
10 The interaction of these effects is unknown , and neither observation tells us anything about the actual surface temperatures .
11 Hence we have come to rely more and more on books , classes and professional advice to tell us how to give birth and bring up children .
12 We 'll be discussing it this afternoon and Labour members told us and no doubt they 'll tell us again that the users of the centre have a democratic right to be consulted about how it was run Do n't tenant farmers have the right to be consulted ?
13 Jacob 's jacket had been used to cover Anna 's body from the waist down and this act told its own silent and ominous tale .
14 Rigor rules north of the Tyne ; numerical and adjectival grades tell you different things — as they are meant to .
15 But it is worth mentioning what a very experienced and established psychiatrist told me about his work when I interviewed him .
16 He did the same with my patient of yesterday whose glaring eyes and cold extremities told their grim tale .
17 Now , as he drank Robert 's champagne , and saw her , silent beside him , her head set downwards , a columbine on its stem , and as modestly inaccessible , Andrew knew that good manners and good sense told him to redress the misfortune of that last experience .
18 It is not so easy to change the playmates when they are brothers and/or sisters ( siblings ) , and many parents tell me of their concern about the seemingly incessant feuding that goes on among brothers and sisters .
19 and reasonable voices tell me I 'll forget
20 The small factory she 'd approached to undertake the making of the curtains , cushions and loose covers told her they 'd be ready to start in a few weeks ' time , and even allowing for this wildly optimistic schedule , she felt she ought to know when to expect delivery of the fabrics .
21 ‘ She had very serious abdominal wounds and one doctor told me she would have died if she had n't been so young and healthy , ’ said Mr Kelly .
22 DESPITE the family rows and marriage break-ups , and the noticeable gaps in the ranks of her party guests , the 92-year-old Queen Mum 's tranquil smile and familiar wave told us that some things are unchanging .
23 Their first approach , late at night in his hotel room , came a week after he had received his sister 's long and excited letter telling him of her marriage .
24 ‘ This world of ours is full of strange and wonderful people with strange and wonderful things to tell you .
25 Diana was said to have used bachelor friend James Gilbey and other pals to tell her side of her troubled marriage .
26 Surprisingly , I find that all my reasons for postponing giving birth still apply : I do n't particularly like children ; I value my independence , the freedom to come and go , the open doors ; I want to write , and literary history tells me that my chances of succeeding as a writer and a mother are pitiful ; I hate and fear the nuclear family , the stifling atmosphere , the exploited wife and mother , the generation gap .
27 His glazed eyes and silly expression told her he was half-cut .
28 It 's not known how much public money 's been spent on the proposed mine , but British Coal told us it keeps its plans under constant review .
29 Topaz had never been with a man before , but some instinct told her how to arouse Andrew .
30 Confident youth may never imagine a world like this in a million Sundays , but these pictures tell it like it is for by far the majority of us at one time or other ; and I defy anyone to say that it could not be them — be they so lucky as still to be climbing when approaching 80 .
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