Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It needs an 80386 or 80486 CPU with preferably 8Mb to run under Windows 3.1. but can be run as a 16-bit MS-DOS application in 640Kb .
2 To obtain the cupped or hemispherical shape with fairly smooth lines , the number of gores should be increased with the diameter .
3 More or less all the countries in the world which are heavily dependent on cereal imports on a per capita basis are poor countries , or rich countries with relatively little arable land ( like Japan ) .
4 This would be covered 2.6 times by earnings ( excluding additional tax ) or 2.3 times after fully allowing for additional Advance Corporation Tax ( ‘ ACT ’ ) .
5 Chief among these special functions was a governmental or administrative duty at either local or provincial level or possibly both .
6 Someone mentioned the 51st Highland Division and the part of the Front they were dug in , which appeared to be fairly close to our area , probably about seven or eight miles from here .
7 In the time office , I worked that till I I were I did about er seven or eight months in there , and from there I went on the screens .
8 Many old people receive occupational or private pensions in addition to their basic retirement pension and a large number have personal savings or private incomes of widely varying amounts .
9 If your profession involves architecture , cartography or professional illustration in either the technical or science field then this will be £165 very well spent indeed .
10 Indeed , the trend towards business support may eventually undermine and replace programmes intended to provide social , physical or economic investment for more depressed localities .
11 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
12 There were thirty or forty people with more arriving all the time .
13 I am a male working with young children under eight years old and have been involved , to a greater or lesser degree for almost ten years .
14 First , both theories suggest an eventual return of homosexuality : in the one ( psychoanalytic ) it is a psychic return of the repressed from within , in the other ( materialist ) a social or cultural return from without ; either an inner resurgence of desire through the breakdown of psychic repression , or the oppositional approach via the proximate of the demonized other from beyond , from the social margins where he or she has been discovered , constructed , displaced .
15 If you were to compare a typical Irish or British magazine of today with its counterpart of say , thirty years ago , one of the most overwhelmingly obvious differences would be in the quality of the photographic material now being used .
16 He knew that the Pretender 's words were not backed by solid political or social support from inside or outside Spain .
17 This has n't been used for some time so it 's a bit so I 'm just going to wipe it out so there are no particles or foreign bodies in there .
18 In general , then , a number of geometries are possible ; as a result the most prominent surface structures may occur above or some distance to either the north or south of the subcropping basement thrust plane .
19 We can treat the system s bistable , with Always Defect being one of the stable points , Tit for Tat ( or some mixture of mostly nice , retaliatory strategies ) the other stable point .
20 but I do n't see , I 'm trying to make it like a genetic connection or something I mean or some kind of like you know I mean to me it 's just set up
21 The traditional career patterns followed in this country have not produced ministers or civil servants with either the skills or the experience to perform such a task ; and , moreover , business leaders would not welcome the loss of the freedom to run their affairs as they think best .
22 Starting in the 1870s , average family size had declined from five or six children to today 's two-child family within 60 years ( figure 2.7 ) .
23 ‘ In time , possibly five or six years from now , I believe that all milk collection will be done by an organisation jointly owned by all the co-operatives buying Scottish milk .
24 erm and I know they sold about five or six tickets at least next week
25 The schemes are locally run on a franchise basis , by voluntary organizations , schools or employers , and the hope is that in the first phase , up to 1993 , 10,000 people aged between sixteen and twenty-four — immediately dubbed ‘ Charlie 's Army ’ by the press — will join full- or part-time programmes of about twelve weeks .
26 The debate is now largely ‘ old hat ’ in the sociology of education and there is a general consensus that schools do indeed impart values , but these are usually modified or developed versions of already existing dominant values of the society of which they form a part , including a number of parental values .
27 For example , twenty years ago Coeliac Disease ( intolerance to wheat ) was an illness which began during infancy or early childhood in almost 100% of cases .
28 ‘ A place where all the skaters were long standing friends , a personal learning ground , where recognised skaters of today blossomed and a whole lot of fun . ’
29 The finding of identical or similar strains in more than one individual differs from those of Simor et al who included two groups of adult siblings in Canadian families .
30 It rates Sun 's orders for the machine as ‘ outstanding , ’ figuring that the 15,000-unit backlog estimated for September when Sun 's quarter closed must have grown to 25,000 or 30,000 units by now .
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