Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 You should make several large caves out of well-bedded rocks , and/or well-weathered bogwood if you prefer .
2 It is almost impossible to forge any sort of career associated with public life or public men where you do not yourself become the object of hostility in some quarter .
3 They may arrange for you to have short stay daytime , or full time care at a day centre or residential home if you are without heat and light at home .
4 Flies can be captured in the summer months with a net attached to your car bumper or another area while you drive along or can be ‘ hatched ’ from anglers ' maggots .
5 The organisers suggest using Thruxton or Old Sarum if you plan to arrive by air , but no transport has been arranged to the show .
6 If the cylinder is already installed , you need only to drain it , unscrew any blanking cap ( or old immersion if you 're replacing ) and screw the new one in place using the washer supplied .
7 Erm and it 'll also help us to get the the out of your way , we 'll get out of your hair within five or six days if you give us all the businesses .
8 You 'll need these if anything goes tragically wrong with your motherboard or hard disk and you have to start again from scratch .
9 It may be necessary to adjust your ideal to reconcile it with reality , and prepare two or three budgets before you go firm on a viable plan .
10 When music turns up for review , you often listen to it two or three times while you wonder what you can say about it that is useful and informative , and then it makes its way to your shelves for ever .
11 It will take the make up , which you might need to use the make up , er the re , er the cleanser possibly twice , or three times if you 're wearing make up .
12 with two or three years before you really know what 's going on
13 You 'd go to a school where they 'd been doing French or Latin for two or three years and you had n't done any at all .
14 Erm but I say there , there were a couple of erm objections that came up during the course of the conversation which really resulted because you , you 'd fallen down on the actual structure , but having said that then again there were two or three examples that you apacked and you got through very well and you , you recovered yourself well on that and , and I say really I think that 's er that 's covered most of the bits that , that I felt were , were there .
15 for example , you are lucky enough to have a holiday abroad for two or three weeks but you have no access to scales and you also eat out all the time .
16 These three parts of your analysis — Antecedent events , Behaviour , and Consequences — can be termed the ABC , or basic units that you need to consider if you want to change your behaviour in the way you wish .
17 What age children are they then , yeah nursery or primary school cos you can get hold of different
18 You will be offered alternative travel routing or timings or alternative hotel and you have the option ( a ) to proceed with these revised arrangements or ( b ) cancel the holiday and receive a full refund if your holiday has not yet begun and in either event receive compensation as above .
19 Most replacement windows are fitted with clear glass , but you can also have obscured , patterned or coloured glass if you want — usually to special order .
20 Or if you 're comparing people with themselves as it were , that is looking for differences between how they answer one question and how they answer another question , then sort of , you know , kind of twenty or more people and you 've got a reasonable chance of showing up some , some P less than point O fives .
21 If necessary , try out one or more methods until you find the one that suits you and your partner best .
22 Serve with creamy potatoes or boiled rice if you require a more substantial dish .
23 Of course , you will not be waiting for your child 's fifth or sixth birthday before you begin putting across the idea of good manners .
24 If you have any suggestions , grumbles , or general information that you would like fed into the Society , please talk to , — she would like to know what you think anyway !
25 When you have finished , go back over the whole list and circle those four or five things that you would like to work on for yourself over the next week or so .
26 ‘ Do n't you fucking well know that the enemy have been mortaring the village green for the past four or five minutes while you have been playing those fucking bagpipes ? ’
27 Yes it only took four or five minutes until you were told the occupants were secure but then it er everybody waited for the C I D to arrive .
28 nice cup of tea or hot milk before you go to bed ?
29 The obvious window treatments in traditional dining rooms are curtains on rods , or under pelmets , or hung from various headings , tied back at the sides , and used with roller , Roman or festoon blinds if you wanted to cut a particular dash .
30 Practice daily for fifteen or twenty minutes and you will then find that this word can be an effective means of blocking out unwanted thoughts and relaxing the body .
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