Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] then [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cook and serve with a sauce Pastrami p21/ Brisket of beef , salted and spiced then coated in peppercorns .
2 Mrs Knelle 's boy had attended a similar boarding school to the Cistercian college , and had then gone to Maynooth , a prestigious Dublin seminary for priests .
3 She had cleared for Antwerp , where she spent a couple of days , and had then gone to West Africa , calling at several ports before returning to Antwerp .
4 Before the War , he had visited Europe , worked in the kitchen of a London hotel , and had then gone to Moscow .
5 She had embraced Simon , patting his face and exclaiming over his bruised eye , and had then flown to Isabel , taking her in her arms and weeping over her enough , so her husband had said , to raise the level of the lake .
6 Several Red Cross officials believed that the Swiss government had foolishly offered to trade Hariri for Mr Winkler and had then reneged on its promise .
7 And thus , when her father 's ghastly illness had first been diagnosed , and had then continued on its remorseless path , she 'd only discovered — when it was far too late — that she and Ross had been growing steadily and disastrously apart .
8 Yet here , on the verge of the Lowlands , most of the gentry had hedged their bets ; some had even entertained the Butcher as he progressed triumphally from one massacre to the next and had then bought over the gutted glens and stocked them with the great sheep .
9 On weekdays , a further peak occurred in the half hour before noon , but demand then dropped over the lunchtime period until 13.00 , when it started to climb once more , reaching a peak at 14.15–14.30 , after which it declined gradually until the end of the day .
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