Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] he [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Or let him acknowledge that while it is rational doubt for him as a liberal humanist to criticize the Buddhist , the Marxist or the Christian , it might equally be a rational doubt for the Marxist to criticize him as a humanist .
2 Did he mean that he was on holiday because it was Sunday , or did he mean that he was on holiday in the area ?
3 Were they just words he was reading , or did he realize that three aircraft meant twenty-one crew , and countless women waiting anxiously for the phone call that would tell them their man was safe — or the letter that would tell them he was not ?
4 Is he referring to the deportations , or does he mean that by making life so miserable in the refugee camps people will leave voluntarily ?
5 Is the Minister satisfied that the 1987 guidelines are still sufficiently detailed and effective , or does he think that they ought now to be updated ?
6 When will the Secretary of State accept responsibility for the crisis in education provision in Cambridgeshire , or does he believe that it is just another scare got up by pupils , parents , teachers and Conservative county councillors in that county ?
7 Does he say of someone who does not have this character that he is ‘ not loyal ’ , in order to express lack of approval of him , or does he say that he is loyal , but seek to negate the usual valuational meaning of the word , by inserting some adverb like ‘ deplorably ’ before it ?
8 Again , it was reason rather than faith that led him to believe that this was the only adequate ground for the proclamation of the universal offer of the Gospel .
9 Nor did he suggest that the government of the Third Reich used the 1936 Olympiad as a propaganda vehicle for the German Nazi Party .
10 Aylwin , however , stated that he did not wish to accept such an offer , nor did he feel that it was justified , given that he had agreed to be elected for a four-year period and that to alter the term of office ( by amending the Constitution ) " would be to change the rules of play of our democratic co-existence " .
11 Nor did he doubt that the assault was attempted murder .
12 Although he was involved with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre , he never settled with any organisation for long , nor did he believe that permanent companies were likely to produce better work than ad hoc assemblies .
13 He disliked the arriviste Jews because he felt that they were provincial and superstitious and liable to arouse hostility ; nor did he believe that they would be loyal to France .
14 Nor did he say that he thought it was unlikely , on the whole , that the Bishop would sack a perfectly competent administrator who happened not to be smarmy enough to some thruster from the Scottish lowlands .
15 He also said that he had never talked in terms of prospective violence nor had he suggested that ‘ any of these people ’ were in any way inferior to anybody else .
16 McGegan is not afraid of Handel : nor does he feel that the composer 's awesome genius need be treated with kid gloves .
17 Nor does he believe that abstinence makes the heart grow stronger .
18 I just hope that he believes what he sees , that you do n't become too obvious and make him realize that he 's being set up . ’
19 He must persuade the Collector of his error and make him realize that his veneration for this Vanity Fair of materialism was misplaced .
20 And there were times now , even amidst the hubbub of men , when the numbness reared its head again and made him think that eventually it would take over and he 'd descend into silence , cold unthinking silence .
21 According to Eadmer , it was a small incident which opened Anselm 's eyes to the true state of affairs , and made him realize that the king would in no circumstances allow him to take any action beyond the routine of his episcopal duties .
22 This experience , acquired in an age when the chemist was regarded as an expert only in a special field , turned Davis into a generalist and made him realize that the enormous variety of industrial chemical processes could be reduced to a relatively small number of operations , and that the study of these in the abstract would enable general principles to be discovered which could be applied to any process operation — the keystone of chemical engineering .
23 May I welcome his decision to hold a public inquiry about these proposals and urge him to ensure that the inquiry is held in such a way , in such a place and at such a time that the concerns of many thousands of people about the proposals can be fully communicated ?
24 She was n't going to do it again , and let him think that she could still be affected by anything he said , or by the way he looked at her .
25 ‘ And I am still your maid , ’ McAllister had said gaily to him , but , of course , she was now less and less of a maid and more a member of the family , working side by side with Matey in cheerful equality , living and playing with them in the evening , and when Dr Neil spoke of the wedding day again she said that she must write to her uncle at least , before anything could be arranged , and let him think that she had done so .
26 She would tell Robert that and let him know that she did n't need to be treated as though she were completely helpless .
27 In the film , The Silence of the Lambs , Sir Anthony plays the cannibalistic serial killer and says he fears that it glorifies violence .
28 Oh , how she loved him , her strong and handsome father , not the ogre she had thought and called him over Terry — and to hear him admit that he was wrong !
29 Too many groups of people , with mutually exclusive agendas , want him to be their very own president and remember him saying that he would be .
30 Although Charlie was still thin — now a flyweight — and not all that tall , once his seventeenth birthday had come and gone he noticed that the ladies on the corner of the Whitechapel Road , who were still placing white feathers on anyone wearing civilian clothes who looked as if they might be between the ages of eighteen and forty , were beginning to eye him like impatient vultures .
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